编程与调试 -- Tiny Module, Tiny My Life (Windows)


  • kinjector 基于 minhook 和 EasyHook 实现的远程注入,少许代码可以实现钩子程序。
  • sharememory Windows 共享内存,跨进程内存读写,同步机制。
  • kpipe Windows 远程调用,函数跨进程调用等。
  • remotecall Windows 远程调用,函数跨进程调用等。
  • kinstaller 绿色软件壳。
  • mario C# & C++ or Python & C++ 互相调用。
    • pythonxtest, 测试入口。
    • pythonx, 只包含单向调用,不支持回调。
    • mario D:\kSource\pythonx\mario.py
      • 这里涉及到一个二进制数据回调问题,需要定义 C 类型参数。
      • 变长输入,Python -> C++,直接调用就好了。
      • 变长回调,C++ -> Python,回调两次就好了。
    • mario_net, C# mario 测试工程。
    • mario2 D:\kSource\pythonx\note\pythonx\mario2\mario2x.py
      • 测试直接对接 C 结构体数据,结构体成员指针等。
      • C++ 引用 的底层 实现,本质上还是指针传递。


基于 minhook 和 EasyHook 实现的远程注入,少许代码可以实现钩子程序。

kinjector64.exe -n mspaint.exe -k count

  • EasyHook32.dll & EasyHook64.dll
  • MinHook.x64.dll & MinHook.x86.dll

  • kinjector.exe & kinjector64.exe 负责注入。
    E:\kSource\pythonx\note\bin>kinjector.exe --help
    -i, -I, --pid=PID         Target process Id
    -n, -N, --pname=PNAME     Target process Name
    -k, -K, --hook=DLL        Hook DLL
    -p, -P, --pause           Exit pause
    -h, -H, --help            Shows the command help
  • kloader.dll & kloader64.dll 被注入后加载的模块,会根据参数调用第三方模块。
    typedef int (__stdcall *LPFN_ToyEntryPoint)(void*);
    assert(GetModuleHandleW(libPath) == hDLL);
    std::string fname = "ToyEntryPoint";
    LPFN_ToyEntryPoint fptr = (LPFN_ToyEntryPoint)GetProcAddress(hDLL, fname.c_str());
    if (!fptr) {
        fname = "_ToyEntryPoint@4";
        fptr = (LPFN_ToyEntryPoint)GetProcAddress(hDLL, fname.c_str());
  • kzcount.dll & kzcount64.dll 第三方模块。
    #define DLL_API extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
    DLL_API int __stdcall ToyEntryPoint(void* inRemoteInfo);
    int __stdcall ToyEntryPoint(void*) {
        return 7;
  • toytarget.exe & toytarget64.exe 测试目标。
  • mycount.exe & mycount64.exe 模拟调用。

有 内核 ark 工具无视权限。关键字 windbg 调试 UWP 应用。 https://bbs.kanxue.com/thread-246657-1.htm 没搞过这种注入 不过你要是找到主进程理论上是一样的 他只不过 UI 交互什么的是微软提供的,是跨进程交互创建的。 https://github.com/suvllian/process-inject

|-- APCInject(Ring0)                 // 驱动层的 APC 注入
|-- APCInject                        // Ring3 层的 APC 注入
|-- CreateSuspend                    // 挂起线程注入
|-- InjectByRegister                 // 注册表注入(未测试)
|-- ReflectDll                       // 反射注入的 Dll
|-- ReflectiveInject                 // 反射注入
|-- RemoteThread                     // 远程线程注入
|-- Src                              // 驱动层的 APC 注入源码
|-- Dll.dll                          // 32 位测试 Dll
|-- Dll64.dll                        // 64 位测试 Dll
|-- Process-Inject.sln               // 项目启动文件
|-- README.md                        // 项目说明文件


自己 hook 自己的情况。

HDC hdc;

HGLRC hglrc = wglCreateContext(hdc);
wglMakeCurrent(hdc, hglrc);

// ...

wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL);
#include "MinHook.h"
#if defined _M_X64
#pragma comment(lib, "libMinHook.x64.lib")
#elif defined _M_IX86
#pragma comment(lib, "libMinHook.x86.lib")

typedef HGLRC(WINAPI* WGLCreateContext)(HDC);
typedef BOOL(WINAPI* WGLMakeCurrent)(HDC, HGLRC);
typedef BOOL(WINAPI* WGLDeleteContext)(HGLRC);
typedef GLenum(WINAPI* GLGetError)();

WGLCreateContext fpWGLCreateContext = nullptr;
WGLMakeCurrent fpWGLMakeCurrent = nullptr;
WGLDeleteContext fpWGLDeleteContext = nullptr;
GLGetError fpGLGetError = nullptr;

HGLRC WINAPI MyCreateContext(HDC hdc) {
    auto retv = fpWGLCreateContext(hdc);
    if (!retv) {
        auto err = GetLastError();
        // wglCreateContext GetLastError() 0xc007001f
        printf("[%d] CreateContext(%x) %x -- %x\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), hdc, retv, err);
    } else {
        printf("[%d] CreateContext(%x) %x\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), hdc, retv);
    return retv;
BOOL WINAPI MyMakeCurrent(HDC hdc, HGLRC hglrc) {
    auto retv = fpWGLMakeCurrent(hdc, hglrc);
    auto err = fpGLGetError();
    printf("[%d] MakeCurrent(%x, %x) %s\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), hdc, hglrc, retv ? "true" : "false");
    return retv;
BOOL WINAPI MyDeleteContext(HGLRC hglrc) {
    auto retv = fpWGLDeleteContext(hglrc);
    printf("[%d] DeleteContext(%x) %s\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), hglrc, retv ? "true" : "false");
    return retv;
GLenum WINAPI MyGetError(void) {
    auto retv = fpGLGetError();
    return retv;

void SetHook() {
    auto library = LoadLibraryA("D:\\Qt\\QTSetup\\5.15.0\\msvc2019\\bin\\opengl32sw.dll");
    WGLCreateContext gcreate = (WGLCreateContext)GetProcAddress(library, "wglCreateContext");
    WGLMakeCurrent gcurrent = (WGLMakeCurrent)GetProcAddress(library, "wglMakeCurrent");
    WGLDeleteContext gdelete = (WGLDeleteContext)GetProcAddress(library, "wglDeleteContext");
    GLGetError gerror = (GLGetError)GetProcAddress(library, "glGetError");

    MH_STATUS status;
    status = MH_Initialize();
    assert(status == MH_OK);

    status = MH_CreateHook(gcreate, &MyCreateContext, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&fpWGLCreateContext));
    assert(status == MH_OK);
    status = MH_CreateHook(gcurrent, &MyMakeCurrent, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&fpWGLMakeCurrent));
    assert(status == MH_OK);
    status = MH_CreateHook(gdelete, &MyDeleteContext, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&fpWGLDeleteContext));
    assert(status == MH_OK);
    status = MH_CreateHook(gerror, &MyGetError, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&fpGLGetError));
    assert(status == MH_OK);

    status = MH_EnableHook(gcreate);
    assert(status == MH_OK);
    status = MH_EnableHook(gcurrent);
    assert(status == MH_OK);
    status = MH_EnableHook(gdelete);
    assert(status == MH_OK);
    status = MH_EnableHook(gerror);
    assert(status == MH_OK);

void UnHook() {
    auto library = LoadLibraryA("D:\\Qt\\QTSetup\\5.15.0\\msvc2019\\bin\\opengl32sw.dll");
    WGLCreateContext gcreate = (WGLCreateContext)GetProcAddress(library, "wglCreateContext");
    WGLMakeCurrent gcurrent = (WGLMakeCurrent)GetProcAddress(library, "wglMakeCurrent");
    WGLDeleteContext gdelete = (WGLDeleteContext)GetProcAddress(library, "wglDeleteContext");
    GLGetError gerror = (GLGetError)GetProcAddress(library, "glGetError");

    MH_STATUS status;
    status = MH_DisableHook(gcreate);
    assert(status == MH_OK);
    status = MH_DisableHook(gcurrent);
    assert(status == MH_OK);
    status = MH_DisableHook(gdelete);
    assert(status == MH_OK);
    status = MH_DisableHook(gerror);
    assert(status == MH_OK);
    status = MH_Uninitialize();
    assert(status == MH_OK);



Windows 共享内存,跨进程内存读写,同步机制。

TestFileLock.zip 共享内存,同步机制 http://www.cnblogs.com/dongsheng/p/4460944.html http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-26833883-id-3230564.html https://blog.csdn.net/shuilan0066/article/details/87979315

Windows 下进程的地址空间在逻辑上是相互隔离的,但在物理上却是重叠的。所谓的重叠是指同一块内存区域可能被多个进程同时使用。 共享内存,各个进程可以共享同一块物理内存,进程可以直接读写内存,不需要数据拷贝。 由于多个进程共享一块内存,所以也需要同步机制。

  1. 本进程创建
    1. 创建内存映射文件对象 CreateFileMapping, Windows 即在物理内存申请一块指定大小的内存区域,返回文件映射对象的句柄 hMap。
    2. 将内存对象映射在进程地址空间 MapViewOfFile。
  2. 其它进程访问,其它进程访问这个内存对象时,
    1. OpenFileMapping 获取对象句柄。
    2. 调用 MapViewOfFile 映射在自己的进程空间。

完整代码:github.com/hawkhai/ShareMemory.git 共享内存,写入只要不释放,就可以实现跨进程读取,避免文件内容落地。 写入的函数负责共享内存块的创建。 这样,同一块内存块被映射到了不同的进程空间,从而达到多个进程共享同一个内存块的目的。

#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>
#include "../ShareMemoryDll/ShareMemoryDll.h"

using namespace ShareMemoryDll;

#define SHARE_MEMORY_SIZE (1024*1024) // 1MB

void testread() {
    ShareMemoryRead sharememory(SHARE_MEMORY_NAME);
    if (!sharememory.check()) {

    CShareMemoryCallback callback;
    ShareMemoryData* data = nullptr;
    int datasize = 0;
    if ((datasize = sharememory.read(data, &callback)) >= 1) {
        TestData* testData = (TestData*)&data[0];
    if (data) {

void testwrite() {
    ShareMemoryWrite sharememory(SHARE_MEMORY_NAME, SHARE_MEMORY_SIZE);
    if (!sharememory.check()) {

    TestData testData(true);
    sharememory.write((ShareMemoryData*)&testData, sizeof(testData));

如果要实现动态长度,用两个 sharememory 实现即可。

kpipe & remotecall


m_svrMgr = new KPipeSvrMgr(); m_pPipeSvr = m_svrMgr->CreatePipeSvr(); m_svrMgr->ReleasePipeSvr(m_pPipeSvr);

m_pPipeSvr->SetMsgProcessor(this); m_pPipeSvr->Start(GetChildSvrPipeName(GetCurrentProcessId()).GetString());


验证 收工 remotecall 实现 klauncher。 全部采用 md 源码模式。

崩溃收集。 升级实现。


kpipe 的进一步封装,包含握手过程,从而实现相互调用,简单到


#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
#include "../remotelib/myremote.h"
#include "../../vld/include/vld.h"

class ClientCallback : public IRmtCallPipeCallback {
    // 线程回调。
    virtual bool OnProcess(int func, const nlohmann::json& argv, nlohmann::json& retv) override {
        return true;

int main()
    ClientCallback callback;
    MyPipeRemoteServ myServ(callback);

    // 启动子进程。
    std::string gexe = GenerateExeName("remotetarget");
    myServ.StartClient(true, gexe.c_str());

    nlohmann::json data, result;
    // 调用子进程函数。
    CHECK_RETV_ASSERT(myServ.CallClientFunction(1, data, result));
    return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string>
#include "../remotelib/myremote.h"
#include "../../vld/include/vld.h"

class ServCallback : public IRmtCallPipeCallback {
    virtual bool OnProcess(int func, const nlohmann::json& argv, nlohmann::json& retv) override {
        return true;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "chs");

    ServCallback callback;
    MyPipeRemoteClient myClient(argc, argv, callback);

    nlohmann::json data, result;
    // 调用父进程函数。
    CHECK_RETV_ASSERT(myClient.CallServFunction(1, data, result));

    return 0;




#pragma once
#include <assert.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>

#define OCR_FPATH 1 // dir/name
#define OCR_IMAGE 2 // image/cvtype/rows/cols/step

#define OCR_SIG L"DDD4ABF6-7813-43EC-B3F2-E91E0F224A78"

#define PDFOCRSDK_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define PDFOCRSDK_API __declspec(dllimport)


__interface IPdfOcrSdkInterface {
    virtual int Version() = 0;
    virtual int Release() = 0;
    virtual bool StartOcrServer() = 0;
    // cv::Mat(int rows, int cols, int cvtype, void* data, size_t step);
    virtual bool Ocr(int rows, int cols, int cvtype, void* data, size_t step, const char*& utf8result) = 0;

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
PDFOCRSDK_API IPdfOcrSdkInterface* CreatePdfOcrSdk();
#ifdef __cplusplus

class KPdfOcrSdkWrap : public IPdfOcrSdkInterface {
    static std::wstring getCurrentDir() {
        wchar_t fpath[MAX_PATH] = {0};
        DWORD dwRet = GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, fpath, MAX_PATH);
        if (dwRet == 0) {
            return L".\\";
        std::wstring fdir = fpath;
        int index = fdir.rfind(L'\\');
        if (index <= 0) {
            return L".\\";
        return fdir.substr(0, index + 1);
    static HINSTANCE loadLibrary(const wchar_t* libPath) {
        std::wstring curdir = getCurrentDir();
        if (curdir.empty()) {
            return NULL;

        std::wstring current = curdir;

        wchar_t lpBuffer[MAX_PATH];
        GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, lpBuffer);
        HINSTANCE hDLL = LoadLibrary(current.c_str());

        if (hDLL == NULL) {
            int err = GetLastError();
            return NULL;
        return hDLL;

    virtual int Version() override {
        if (!m_interface) {
            return -1;
        return m_interface->Version();

    virtual int Release() override {
        if (!m_interface) {
            return -1;
        auto retv = m_interface->Release();
        m_interface = nullptr;
        return retv;

    virtual bool StartOcrServer() override {
        if (!m_interface) {
            return false;
        return m_interface->StartOcrServer();

    // cv::Mat(int rows, int cols, int cvtype, void* data, size_t step);
    virtual bool Ocr(int rows, int cols, int cvtype, void* data, size_t step, const char*& utf8result) override {
        if (!m_interface) {
            return false;
        return m_interface->Ocr(rows, cols, cvtype, data, step, utf8result);

    KPdfOcrSdkWrap() {
#if defined __amd64__ || defined __x86_64__ || defined _WIN64 || defined _M_X64
#ifdef _DEBUG
        const TCHAR* libPath = L"pdfocrsdk64d.dll";
        const TCHAR* libPath2 = L"pdfocrsdk64.dll";
        const TCHAR* libPath = L"pdfocrsdk64.dll";
#ifdef _DEBUG
        const TCHAR* libPath = L"pdfocrsdkd.dll";
        const TCHAR* libPath2 = L"pdfocrsdk.dll";
        const TCHAR* libPath = L"pdfocrsdk.dll";

        m_hDLL = loadLibrary(libPath);
#ifdef _DEBUG
        if (m_hDLL == nullptr) {
            m_hDLL = loadLibrary(libPath2);
        if (m_hDLL == nullptr) {
            int err = GetLastError();

        typedef IPdfOcrSdkInterface* (*CreatePdfOcrSdkFunc)();
        CreatePdfOcrSdkFunc fptr = (CreatePdfOcrSdkFunc)GetProcAddress(m_hDLL, "CreatePdfOcrSdk");
        if (fptr == nullptr) {
            int err = GetLastError();
        m_interface = fptr();
        if (m_interface->Version() < PDFOCRSDK_VERSION) {
            m_interface = nullptr;
    virtual ~KPdfOcrSdkWrap() {
        if (!m_interface) {
        m_interface = nullptr;
        // m_hDLL 不释放了。

    IPdfOcrSdkInterface* m_interface = nullptr;
    HINSTANCE m_hDLL = nullptr;


#include "pch.h"
#include "framework.h"
#include "../include/pdfocr.h"

class KPdfOcrSdkInstance : public IPdfOcrSdkInterface {
    virtual int Version() override {
        return PDFOCRSDK_VERSION;
    virtual int Release() override {
        delete this;
        return 0;
    virtual bool StartOcrServer() override {
        return false;
    // cv::Mat(int rows, int cols, int cvtype, void* data, size_t step);
    virtual bool Ocr(int rows, int cols, int cvtype, void* data, size_t step, const char*& utf8result) override {
        return false;

IPdfOcrSdkInterface* CreatePdfOcrSdk() {
    return new KPdfOcrSdkInstance();


pyinstaller 打包绿色软件,每次解压启动慢,如果 进程意外退出,还会残留。

实现一个启动器:kinstaller.exe 把散文件压进去,启动后自动解压运行。 解决 残留 的痛点。


    "files": {
        "vcruntime140.dll": {
            "fmtime": "2021-08-15 00:10:39",
            "fsize": 89752,
            "fzsize": 49318,
            "keyname": "VCRUNTIME140_DLL",
            "md5": "0e675d4a7a5b7ccd69013386793f68eb",
            "md5z": "2c7b372ef359df97c913c3541d688b8a",
            "petype": "x64",
            "runfile": "pyenv\\vcxmake_win10x64\\{version}\\vcruntime140.dll",
            "zipfile": "tempdir\\vcxmake\\vcruntime140_dll\\0e675d4a7a5b7ccd.zip"
        "vcxmake.exe": {
            "fmtime": "2021-08-15 00:06:35",
            "fsize": 4185505,
            "fzsize": 4037468,
            "keyname": "VCXMAKE_EXE",
            "md5": "0dcbac1ed863c113469ccca3796eb963",
            "md5z": "fdd8d22c6c570a0060176dd89864b5ab",
            "petype": "x64",
            "runfile": "pyenv\\vcxmake_win10x64\\{version}\\vcxmake.exe",
            "zipfile": "tempdir\\vcxmake\\vcxmake_exe\\0dcbac1ed863c113.zip"
        "vcxmake.exe.manifest": {
            "fmtime": "2022-01-13 09:30:41",
            "fsize": 1032,
            "fzsize": 672,
            "keyname": "VCXMAKE_EXE_MANIFEST",
            "md5": "c796b662fb2bbc734698609b6cb7f3f5",
            "md5z": "8ae49632d1c27323c992ca36032967de",
            "petype": "",
            "runfile": "pyenv\\vcxmake_win10x64\\{version}\\vcxmake.exe.manifest",
            "zipfile": "tempdir\\vcxmake\\vcxmake_exe_manifest\\c796b662fb2bbc73.zip"
        "win32api.pyd": {
            "fmtime": "2021-08-15 00:09:18",
            "fsize": 132608,
            "fzsize": 51325,
            "keyname": "WIN32API_PYD",
            "md5": "511367f74dd035502f2dc895b6a752e7",
            "md5z": "26acb327f3fcd627bf06efef99025762",
            "petype": "x64",
            "runfile": "pyenv\\vcxmake_win10x64\\{version}\\win32api.pyd",
            "zipfile": "tempdir\\vcxmake\\win32api_pyd\\511367f74dd03550.zip"
    "genrestime": 1682256363,
    "petype": "x64",
    "version": "v2",
    "zloader": "pyenv\\vcxmake_win10x64\\{version}\\vcxmake.exe"

aliyun oss image

  • ksample.py 上传下载管理整个 ksample。
  • kremote.py
    • upcode rebindex 上传当前 pythonx 代码。
    • downcode 下载当前 pythonx 代码。
    • upload image_ksample.json symlink 上传图片。
    • download image_ksample.json 下载图片。
    • dlindex image_ksample.json 下载索引。
    • upindex image_ksample.json 上传索引。
    • rebindex image_ksample.json 重建本地索引。
  • pythonx 代码。
    • UPCODE = "upcode" in sys.argv 上传代码。
    • DOWNCODE = "downcode" in sys.argv 下载代码。
    • REBINDEX = "rebindex" in sys.argv 更新本地代码索引。
  • 图片文件相关。
    • UPLOAD = "upload" in sys.argv 上传图片。
    • DOWNLOAD = "download" in sys.argv 下载图片。
    • SYMLINK = "symlink" in sys.argv 上传后生成软链接。

    • DLINDEX = "dlindex" in sys.argv 下载索引。
    • UPINDEX = "upindex" in sys.argv 上传索引。
  • 不常用的命令。
    • DOCHECK = "docheck" in sys.argv 检查上传下载和软链接。
    • DLRESULT = "dlresult" in sys.argv 下载结果。因为默认结果是只能上传,然后网址访问的。
    • UPSOURCE = "upsource" in sys.argv 上传原图。

Tiny Code & Module 系列文章

If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out .