编程与调试 -- Tiny Source Code, Tiny My Life

setlocale(LC_ALL, "chs");
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlconv.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
CW2A(L"中文字符", CP_UTF8);

USES_CONVERSION 或 USES_CONVERSION_EX 在将 UNICODE 转化到 UTF-8 过程中,可能导致失败。 W2A_CP 不靠谱,Unicode 转 UTF-8 可能失败。

// warning C4715: 不是所有的控件路径都返回值
/we4715 /we4013 /we4431 /we4133 /we4716 /we4457 /we4456 /we4172 /we4700 /we4477 /we4018 /we4047
// vcruntime140_1.dll -- x64 test.exe
// x64 test.exe -- __CxxFrameHandler4 VCRUNTIME140_1

析构函数 (C++)

note 对析构函数的调用可以执行相应的清理。 若要显式调用 s 类的对象 String 的析构函数,请使用下列语句之一:

s.String::~String();     // non-virtual call
ps->String::~String();   // non-virtual call

s.~String();       // Virtual call
ps->~String();     // Virtual call

C++ 17 std::filesystem

C++ 判断文件或者目录是否存在 Filesystem library (since C++17)

#include <filesystem>

std::string file_name = "deadman";
if (std::filesystem::exists(file_name)) {
    if (std::filesystem::is_directory(file)) {
        printf("%s is a directory\n", file_name.c_str());
    } else if (std::filesystem::is_regular_file(file)) {
        printf("%s is a file\n", file_name.c_str());
    } else {
        printf("%s exists\n", file_name.c_str());
} else {
    printf("%s does not exist\n", file_name.c_str());
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

std::string file_name = "deadman";
struct stat info;
if (stat(file_name.c_str(), &info) != 0) {  // does not exist
    printf("cannot access %s\n", file_name.c_str());
} else if (info.st_mode & S_IFDIR) {        // directory
    printf("%s is a directory\n", file_name.c_str());
} else {
    printf("%s is no directory\n", file_name.c_str());

红黑树 / Set / Map

D:\Android\Sdk\ndk\21.1.6352462\sources\cxx-stl\llvm-libc++\include\__tree note note C++ STL 中,C++ 中 set, multiset, map, multimap 集合模板类都是在 STL 红黑树的基础之上实现的。

Win32 上,debug 都是 12 字节,release 都是 8 字节(有个代理位,涉及一个关键的宏 _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL )。 Android 上非常标准,感觉都是 12 字节,leftptr, rightptr, size。 分别是:

auto mymap = std::map<int, int>();
_Myhead std::_Tree_node<std::pair<int const, int>, void*>*;
_Mysize unsigned int;

auto mymmap = std::multimap<int, int>();
_Myhead std::_Tree_node<std::pair<int const, int>, void*>*;
_Mysize unsigned int;

auto myset = std::set<int>();
_Myhead std::_Tree_node<int, void*>*;
_Mysize unsigned int;

auto mymset = std::multiset<int>();
_Myhead std::_Tree_node<int, void*>*;
_Mysize unsigned int;

_Left   *
_Parent *
_Right  *
_Color  char
_Isnil  char
_Myval  int


note 结构体内存对齐问题:

  1. 结构体变量的起始地址能够被其最宽的成员大小整除。
  2. 结构体每个成员相对于起始地址的偏移能够被其自身大小整除,如果不能则在前一个成员后面补充字节。
  3. 结构体总体大小能够被最宽的成员的大小整除,如不能则在后面补充字节。
struct S3 {
    double d;
    char c;
    int i;
struct S4 {
    char c1;
    struct S3 s3;
    double d;
    int tempk = sizeof(struct S4); // 32
    tempk = sizeof(struct S3); // 16
    tempk = 0;


Heap :堆是往高地址增长的,是用来动态分配内存的区域,malloc 就是在这里面分配的; 在这 4G 里面,其中 1G 是内核态内存,每个 Linux 进程共享这一块内存,在高地址;3G 是用户态内存,这部分内存进程间不共享,在低地址。 from

生长方向:栈的开口向下,堆的开口向上(小端模式)。 栈每压入一个内存块,即在栈的下端开辟出来,该内存块的首地址是在该内存块的最下面。 内存块里的数据生长方向,是向上的(与栈本身的生长方向是相反的), 这一点对堆来讲也适用(当然,堆的开口本来就朝上,很好理解)。 Android & Windows 是一致的。


#include <iostream>

struct MyStruct {
    int a = 10;
    int b = 20;
    int c = 30;
    int d = 40;

// 1. 栈的生长方向
void test01() {
    int a = 10;
    int b = 20;
    int c = 30;
    int d = 40;
    MyStruct st;

    // a 的地址大于 b 的地址,故而生长方向向下。
    printf("a = %d\n", &a); // a = 5240956
    printf("b = %d\n", &b); // b = 5240944
    printf("c = %d\n", &c); // c = 5240932
    printf("d = %d\n", &d); // d = 5240920
    printf("a = %d\n", &st.a); // a = 5240896
    printf("b = %d\n", &st.b); // b = 5240900
    printf("c = %d\n", &st.c); // c = 5240904
    printf("d = %d\n", &st.d); // d = 5240908

// 2. 内存生长方向(小端模式)
void test02() {

    // 高位字节 -> 地位字节
    int num = 0xaabbccdd;
    unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)&num;

    // 从首地址开始的第一个字节
    printf("%x\n", *p); // dd
    printf("%x\n", *(p + 1)); // cc
    printf("%x\n", *(p + 2)); // bb
    printf("%x\n", *(p + 3)); // aa

int main()
    return 0;

NCNN 问题整理

ncnn 小白常见问题整理 Win10 下 QT + NCNN 实现 Android 开发的踩坑记录

rtti/exceptions 冲突

在 Android NDK(JNI)代码中遇到报错 error: use of typeid requires -frtti

原因:ncnn 的 android 预编译包的编译选项中,禁用了 rtti (同时还禁用了 exceptions ),而 OpenCV 的 android 预编译包开启了 rttiexceptions (这是在 NDK 的 toolchains.cmake 中默认开启的);当两个(或多个)库的 rtti、exceptions 编译选项设定不同时,会导致冲突,需要统一。

方法:重编 ncnn,编译时开启 rtti、exceptions

  • 在命令行(或 CMake-GUI)里,用 cmake 构建,构建时传入 -DNCNN_DISABLE_EXCEPTION=OFF -DNCNN_DISABLE_RTTI=OFF ;如果先前构建过,请清理 build/CMakeCache.txt;不要在 Android Studio 里构建 ncnn 库,因为很可能你的 rtti 和 exceptions 还是弄错。

最终,通过直接暴力修改 ncnn CMakeLists.txt 文件,顺利编译出来。

为啥自己编译的 ncnn android 库特别大?

很可能是没有去掉 -g 导致的。 这个不用解决,大点就大点吧。

基于 cmake 和 ninja,自行编译 ncnn 的 android 库,编译时注意:

  • 去掉 -g 参数以减小库体积:打开 $ANDROID_NDK/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake
    # 删除 "-g" 这行


这行代码造成的:set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY TARGET_SUPPORTS_SHARED_LIBS FALSE) 。 ADD_LIBRARY called with SHARED option but the target platform does not support dynamic linking. Building a STATIC library instead.

> Task :prepareKotlinBuildScriptModel UP-TO-DATE
D:\kSource\kv\engine\src\main\cpp\CMakeLists.txt : C/C++ debug|arm64-v8a :
        CMake Warning (dev) at D:\kSource\kv\engine\src\main\cpp\CMakeLists.txt:196 (add_library):
    ADD_LIBRARY called with SHARED option but the target platform does not
    support dynamic linking.  Building a STATIC library instead.  This may lead
    to problems.
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.


activity cmake code

/* ideally we should check whether for the linker language of the target
    CMAKE_${LANG}_CREATE_SHARED_LIBRARY is defined and if not default to
    STATIC. But at this point we know only the name of the target, but not
    yet its linker language. */
if ((type == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY ||
        type == cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY) &&
        !mf.GetState()->GetGlobalPropertyAsBool("TARGET_SUPPORTS_SHARED_LIBS")) {
            "ADD_LIBRARY called with ",
            (type == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY ? "SHARED" : "MODULE"),
            " option but the target platform does not support dynamic linking. ",
            "Building a STATIC library instead. This may lead to problems."));
    type = cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY;

OpenCV 相关

int cvtype = CV_8UC1; // 0
cvtype = CV_8UC2; // 8
cvtype = CV_8UC3; // 16
cvtype = CV_32FC1; // 5
cvtype = CV_32FC3; // 21

// std::vector Debug 版本第一位是:`_Myproxy` 。
#define MatVecFirst(x) (  (cv::Mat*)  ((size_t*)&(x))[1]  )
#define MatVecLast(x)  (  (cv::Mat*)  ((size_t*)&(x))[2]  )
#define MatVecEnd(x)   (  (cv::Mat*)  ((size_t*)&(x))[3]  )
#define MatVecFirst(x) (  (cv::Mat*)  ((size_t*)&(x))[0]  )
#define MatVecLast(x)  (  (cv::Mat*)  ((size_t*)&(x))[1]  )
#define MatVecEnd(x)   (  (cv::Mat*)  ((size_t*)&(x))[2]  )
#define MatVecLen(x)   ((char*)MatVecLast(x) - (char*)MatVecFirst(x))
#define MatVecCount(x) ((unsigned int)(-1227133513 * (MatVecLen(x) >> 3)))

#define UMatVecFirst(x) (  (cv::UMat*)  ((size_t*)&(x))[1]  )
#define UMatVecLast(x)  (  (cv::UMat*)  ((size_t*)&(x))[2]  )
#define UMatVecEnd(x)   (  (cv::UMat*)  ((size_t*)&(x))[3]  )
#define UMatVecFirst(x) (  (cv::UMat*)  ((size_t*)&(x))[0]  )
#define UMatVecLast(x)  (  (cv::UMat*)  ((size_t*)&(x))[1]  )
#define UMatVecEnd(x)   (  (cv::UMat*)  ((size_t*)&(x))[2]  )
#define UMatVecLen(x)   ((char*)UMatVecLast(x) - (char*)UMatVecFirst(x))
#define UMatVecCount(x) ((unsigned int)(-1431655765 * (UMatVecLen(x) >> 2)))
-1227133513 » 3 0xb6db6db7 56 / cv::Mat
-1431655765 » 2 0xaaaaaaab 12 / MyStructX?
-858993459 » 4 0xcccccccd 80 / MyStructk80
-1717986918 » 4 0x9999999a 40?
1431655766 » 2 0x55555556 6?
858993460 » 4 0x33333334 20?

https://gmplib.org/devel/bc_bin_uiui.c https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-valin-celt-codec-00

#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>

static unsigned int zinvArray[] = {
    0x00000001,	/*  1 */  0x00000001,	/*  2 */
    0xaaaaaaab,	/*  3 */  0x00000001,	/*  4 */
    0xcccccccd,	/*  5 */  0xaaaaaaab,	/*  6 */
    0xb6db6db7,	/*  7 */  0x00000001,	/*  8 */
    0x38e38e39,	/*  9 */  0xcccccccd,	/* 10 */
    0xba2e8ba3,	/* 11 */  0xaaaaaaab,	/* 12 */
    0xc4ec4ec5,	/* 13 */  0xb6db6db7,	/* 14 */
    0xeeeeeeef,	/* 15 */  0x00000001,	/* 16 */
    0xf0f0f0f1,	/* 17 */  0x38e38e39,	/* 18 */
    0x286bca1b,	/* 19 */  0xcccccccd,	/* 20 */
    0x3cf3cf3d,	/* 21 */  0xba2e8ba3,	/* 22 */
    0xe9bd37a7,	/* 23 */  0xaaaaaaab,	/* 24 */
    0xc28f5c29,	/* 25 */  0xc4ec4ec5,	/* 26 */
    0x684bda13,	/* 27 */  0xb6db6db7,	/* 28 */
    0x4f72c235,	/* 29 */  0xeeeeeeef,	/* 30 */
    0xbdef7bdf,	/* 31 */  0x00000001	/* 32 */

static unsigned char ctzArray[] =
{ 0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,5 };

void check(int num, int zinv, int ctz) {
    if (num <= 32) {
        printf("**[%d] %x,%d / ref %x,%d \n",
            num, zinv, ctz, zinvArray[num - 1], ctzArray[num - 1]);
        assert(zinv == zinvArray[num - 1]);
        assert(ctz == ctzArray[num - 1]);
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
        if (i % num != 0) continue;
        auto value1 = i / num;
        auto value2 = zinv * (i >> ctz);
        // printf("%d,%d,%d,%d -- %d %d \n", i, num, zinv, ctz, value1, value2);
        assert(value1 == value2);

/* INV_TABLE[i] holds the multiplicative inverse of (2*i+1) mod 2**32. */
static const unsigned int INV_TABLE[128] = {
    0x00000001, 0xAAAAAAAB, 0xCCCCCCCD, 0xB6DB6DB7,
    0x38E38E39, 0xBA2E8BA3, 0xC4EC4EC5, 0xEEEEEEEF,
    0xF0F0F0F1, 0x286BCA1B, 0x3CF3CF3D, 0xE9BD37A7,
    0xC28F5C29, 0x684BDA13, 0x4F72C235, 0xBDEF7BDF,
    0x3E0F83E1, 0x8AF8AF8B, 0x914C1BAD, 0x96F96F97,
    0xC18F9C19, 0x2FA0BE83, 0xA4FA4FA5, 0x677D46CF,
    0x1A1F58D1, 0xFAFAFAFB, 0x8C13521D, 0x586FB587,
    0xB823EE09, 0xA08AD8F3, 0xC10C9715, 0xBEFBEFBF,
    0xC0FC0FC1, 0x07A44C6B, 0xA33F128D, 0xE327A977,
    0xC7E3F1F9, 0x962FC963, 0x3F2B3885, 0x613716AF,
    0x781948B1, 0x2B2E43DB, 0xFCFCFCFD, 0x6FD0EB67,
    0xFA3F47E9, 0xD2FD2FD3, 0x3F4FD3F5, 0xD4E25B9F,
    0x5F02A3A1, 0xBF5A814B, 0x7C32B16D, 0xD3431B57,
    0xD8FD8FD9, 0x8D28AC43, 0xDA6C0965, 0xDB195E8F,
    0x0FDBC091, 0x61F2A4BB, 0xDCFDCFDD, 0x46FDD947,
    0x56BE69C9, 0xEB2FDEB3, 0x26E978D5, 0xEFDFBF7F,
    0x0FE03F81, 0xC9484E2B, 0xE133F84D, 0xE1A8C537,
    0x077975B9, 0x70586723, 0xCD29C245, 0xFAA11E6F,
    0x0FE3C071, 0x08B51D9B, 0x8CE2CABD, 0xBF937F27,
    0xA8FE53A9, 0x592FE593, 0x2C0685B5, 0x2EB11B5F,
    0xFCD1E361, 0x451AB30B, 0x72CFE72D, 0xDB35A717,
    0xFB74A399, 0xE80BFA03, 0x0D516325, 0x1BCB564F,
    0xE02E4851, 0xD962AE7B, 0x10F8ED9D, 0x95AEDD07,
    0xE9DC0589, 0xA18A4473, 0xEA53FA95, 0xEE936F3F,
    0x90948F41, 0xEAFEAFEB, 0x3D137E0D, 0xEF46C0F7,
    0x028C1979, 0x791064E3, 0xC04FEC05, 0xE115062F,
    0x32385831, 0x6E68575B, 0xA10D387D, 0x6FECF2E7,
    0x3FB47F69, 0xED4BFB53, 0x74FED775, 0xDB43BB1F,
    0x87654321, 0x9BA144CB, 0x478BBCED, 0xBFB912D7,
    0x1FDCD759, 0x14B2A7C3, 0xCB125CE5, 0x437B2E0F,
    0x10FEF011, 0xD2B3183B, 0x386CAB5D, 0xEF6AC0C7,
    0x0E64C149, 0x9A020A33, 0xE6B41C55, 0xFEFEFEFF

int main()
    int count = sizeof(zinvArray) / sizeof(zinvArray[0]);
    int count2 = sizeof(ctzArray) / sizeof(ctzArray[0]);
    assert(count == count2);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        check(i + 1, zinvArray[i], ctzArray[i]);

    int countx = sizeof(INV_TABLE) / sizeof(INV_TABLE[0]);
    for (int num = 1; num <= 2000; num++) {
        if (num % 2 == 0) {
            int shift = 0;
            int temp = num;
            while (temp && (temp % 2 == 0)) {
                temp = temp >> 1;
            int index = (temp - 1) / 2;
            if (index >= countx) continue;
            printf("num=%d idx=%d inv=%x shift=%d \n",
                num, index, INV_TABLE[index], shift);
            check(num, INV_TABLE[index], shift);
        } else {
            int index = (num - 1) / 2;
            if (index >= countx) continue;
            printf("num=%d idx=%d inv=%x shift=%d \n",
                num, index, INV_TABLE[index], 0);
            check(num, INV_TABLE[index], 0);

    return 0;

cwrs.c Math behind gcc9+ modulus optimizations

cv::fastFree() fastFree(step.p) 11
cv::Mat::deallocate((int)&v120); deallocate(); cv::Mat

整数定数除法的代换 (constant integer division)

#include <iostream>

int checkdiv(int num, int div, bool output=false, int shdiv=1) {
    bool retv = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < 9100; i++) {
        if (i % div) continue;
        if (output && (i < 100 || i >= 9000)) {
            printf("[%d]%s [0x%x/%d,%d] %d -- %d \n", //
                i, retv ? "True" : "False", //
                num, shdiv, div, i * num / shdiv, i / div);
        if (i * num / shdiv != i / div) {
            retv = false;
    return retv;
int checkdiv(int num) {
    for (int x = 2; x <= 200; x++) {
        if (checkdiv(num, x)) {
            return x;
    return 0;
void printdiv(int num, int div) {
    printf("printdiv %d %d \n", num, div);

int main()
    int ksize = klistsize;
    // 1431655766?
    int div = 0;
    if (div = checkdiv(1431655766)) {
        printdiv(1431655766, div);
    checkdiv(1431655766, 3, true, 2);
    for (int i = 0; i < ksize; i++) {
        if (div = checkdiv(klist[i])) {
            printdiv(klist[i], div);

    return 0;
#define CASE_RETURN(x) case x: return L ## #x

inline std::string GetKernelCode(const std::string & filename)
    std::stringstream buffer;
    buffer << std::ifstream(filename.c_str()).rdbuf();
    return buffer.str();

if (!PathFileExists(fpath)) {
    CreateDirectory(fpath, NULL);

wchar_t fpath[MAX_PATH + 1] = { 0 };
DWORD res = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, fpath);
if (res <= 0 || res >= MAX_PATH) {
    return gpuip::GPUIP_CODE::CODE_ERROR;

// 加载 dll 不要弹框报错。
auto modex = SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS |     //
             SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX |      //
auto modebak = ::SetErrorMode(modex);

HINSTANCE hDLL = LoadLibrary(current.c_str());

auto modey = ::SetErrorMode(modebak);
assert(modey == modex);

4294967293 fffffffd -- -3 fffffffd
4294967294 fffffffe -- -2 fffffffe
4294967295 ffffffff -- -1 ffffffff
0 0 -- 0 0
1 1 -- 1 1
2 2 -- 2 2
3 3 -- 3 3*/
    for (int i = -3; i <= 3; i++) {
        unsigned int ui = (unsigned int) i;
        printf("%u %x -- %d %x \n", i, i, ui, ui);

// 64 位版本:
int a = sizeof(int); // 4
a = sizeof(long); // 4
a = sizeof(long long); // 8
a = sizeof(__int64); // 8
a = sizeof(void*); // 8
a = 0;

cv::Mat 内存结构

出现 .dims = (int) 的都不对。

x cv::Mat cv::UMat cv::_InputArray
0 int flags; int flags; int flags;
1 int dims; int dims; void* obj;
2 int rows; int rows; Size sz.width;
3 int cols; int cols; Size sz.height;
4 uchar* data; MatAllocator* allocator;  
5 const uchar* datastart; UMatUsageFlags usageFlags;  
6 const uchar* dataend; UMatData* u;  
7 const uchar* datalimit; size_t offset;  
8 MatAllocator* allocator; MatSize size;  
9 UMatData* u; MatStep step.p;  
10 MatSize size; MatStep step.buf[0];  
11 MatStep step.p; size_t* MatStep step.buf[1];  
12 MatStep step.buf[0]; size_t    
13 MatStep step.buf[1]; size_t    
x 老版本 ncnn::Mat(40 字节)
最新版本 ncnn::Mat(44 字节)
0 void* data; void* data;
1 int* refcount; int* refcount;
2 size_t elemsize; size_t elemsize
3 int elempack; int elempack;
4 Allocator* allocator; Allocator* allocator;
5 int dims; int dims;
6 int w; int w;
7 int h; int h;
8 int c; int d;
9 size_t cstep; int c;
10   size_t cstep;
x cv::MatExpr cv::Moments
0 const MatOp* op;  
1 int flags;  
2-15 Mat a;  
16-29 Mat b;  
30-43 Mat c;  
44-45 double alpha;  
46-47 double beta;  
48-55 Scalar s;  
  • double m00, m10, m01, m20, m11, m02, m30, m21, m12, m03;
  • double mu20, mu11, mu02, mu30, mu21, mu12, mu03;
  • double nu20, nu11, nu02, nu30, nu21, nu12, nu03;

cv::cvtColor(src, tempmat, cv::COLOR_RGBA2RGB); [ROOT]\opencv\opencv-3.4.2_vs2019_win64\installR\include\opencv2\imgproc.hpp

enum ColorConversionCodes {
    COLOR_BGR2BGRA     = 0, //!< add alpha channel to RGB or BGR image

    COLOR_BGRA2BGR     = 1, //!< remove alpha channel from RGB or BGR image

    COLOR_BGR2RGBA     = 2, //!< convert between RGB and BGR color spaces (with or without alpha channel)

    COLOR_RGBA2BGR     = 3,

    COLOR_BGR2RGB      = 4,

    COLOR_BGRA2RGBA    = 5,

    COLOR_BGR2GRAY     = 6, //!< convert between RGB/BGR and grayscale, @ref color_convert_rgb_gray "color conversions"
    COLOR_RGB2GRAY     = 7,
    COLOR_BGRA2GRAY    = 10,
    COLOR_RGBA2GRAY    = 11,

    COLOR_BGR2HSV      = 40, //!< convert RGB/BGR to HSV (hue saturation value), @ref color_convert_rgb_hsv "color conversions"
    COLOR_RGB2HSV      = 41,


    if ( step.p != step.buf )

void Mat::release()
    if ( u && CV_XADD(&u->refcount, -1) == 1 )
    u = NULL;
    datastart = dataend = datalimit = data = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < dims; i++)
        size.p[i] = 0;

// 生成汇编
if ( v83.u ) {
    v32 = &v83.u->refcount;
    v33 = GetAndSub((unsigned int *)v32);
    if ( v33 == 1 )
v83.u = 0;
v34 = (int *)v83.dims;
memset(&v83.data, 0, 16); // datastart = dataend = datalimit = data = 0;
if ( v83.dims >= 1 ) {
    v34 = v83.size.p;
    v35 = 0;
    do {
      v34[v35++] = 0;
      v31 = v83.dims;
    while ( v35 < v83.dims );
if ( v83.step.p != v83.step.buf )
    CvFastFree((mycv *)v83.step.p, v34);
Mat& Mat::operator = (Mat&& m)
    if (this == &m)
      return *this;

    flags = m.flags; dims = m.dims; rows = m.rows; cols = m.cols; data = m.data;
    datastart = m.datastart; dataend = m.dataend; datalimit = m.datalimit; allocator = m.allocator;
    u = m.u;
    if (step.p != step.buf) { // release self step/size
        step.p = step.buf;
        size.p = &rows;
    if (m.dims <= 2) { // move new step/size info
        step[0] = m.step[0];
        step[1] = m.step[1];
    } else {
        CV_DbgAssert(m.step.p != m.step.buf);
        step.p = m.step.p;
        size.p = m.size.p;
        m.step.p = m.step.buf;
        m.size.p = &m.rows;
    m.flags = MAGIC_VAL; m.dims = m.rows = m.cols = 0;
    m.data = NULL; m.datastart = NULL; m.dataend = NULL; m.datalimit = NULL;
    m.allocator = NULL;
    m.u = NULL;
    return *this;

Mat& Mat::operator = (const Mat& m)
    if ( this != &m ) {
        if ( m.u )
            CV_XADD(&m.u->refcount, 1);
        flags = m.flags;
        if ( dims <= 2 && m.dims <= 2 ) {
            dims = m.dims;
            rows = m.rows;
            cols = m.cols;
            step[0] = m.step[0];
            step[1] = m.step[1];
        } else
        data = m.data;
        datastart = m.datastart;
        dataend = m.dataend;
        datalimit = m.datalimit;
        allocator = m.allocator;
        u = m.u;
    return *this;

Mat::Mat(const Mat& m)
    : flags(m.flags), dims(m.dims), rows(m.rows), cols(m.cols), data(m.data),
      datastart(m.datastart), dataend(m.dataend), datalimit(m.datalimit), allocator(m.allocator),
      u(m.u), size(&rows), step(0)
    if ( u )
        CV_XADD(&u->refcount, 1);
    if ( m.dims <= 2 ) {
        step[0] = m.step[0]; step[1] = m.step[1];
    } else {
        dims = 0;

inline Mat& Mat::operator=(const Mat& m)
    if (this == &m)
        return *this;

    if (m.refcount)
        NCNN_XADD(m.refcount, 1);


    data = m.data;
    refcount = m.refcount;
    elemsize = m.elemsize;
    elempack = m.elempack;
    allocator = m.allocator;

    dims = m.dims;
    w = m.w;
    h = m.h;
    c = m.c;

    cstep = m.cstep;

    return *this;

inline void Mat::release()
    if (refcount && NCNN_XADD(refcount, -1) == 1) {
        if (allocator)

    data = 0;

    elemsize = 0;
    elempack = 0;

    dims = 0;
    w = 0;
    h = 0;
    c = 0;

    cstep = 0;

    refcount = 0;

Mat Mat::clone() const
    Mat m;
    return m;

Mat - 成员变量的 flags 的含义

Mat - 成员变量的 flags 的含义

33619968 0x2010000 (cv::ACCESS_WRITE+cv::MAT)
16842752 0x1010000 (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::MAT)
33882112 0x2050000 (cv::ACCESS_WRITE+cv::STD_VECTOR_MAT) std::vector<Mat>
17104896 0x1050000 (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::STD_VECTOR_MAT) std::vector<Mat>
1124007936 0x42ff0000 cv::MAGIC_VAL
-2130509812 2164457484 0x8103000c std::vector<cv::Point2i> (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::STD_VECTOR+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16S)
-1040056315 3254910981 0xc2020005 cv::Vec4f (cv::ACCESS_WRITE+cv::MATX+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::FIXED_SIZE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_8U+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U)
-1056833530 3238133766 0xc1020006 cv::Vec4d (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::MATX+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::FIXED_SIZE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_8S+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U)
-2130509812 0x8103000c (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::STD_VECTOR+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16S)
-2113732596 0x8203000c (cv::ACCESS_WRITE+cv::STD_VECTOR+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16S)
-1056833531 0xc1020005 (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::MATX+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::FIXED_SIZE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_8U+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U)
-1040056315 0xc2020005 (cv::ACCESS_WRITE+cv::MATX+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::FIXED_SIZE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_8U+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U)
-1056833530 0xc1020006 (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::MATX+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::FIXED_SIZE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_8S+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U)
-1040056314 0xc2020006 (cv::ACCESS_WRITE+cv::MATX+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::FIXED_SIZE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_8S+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U)
1072693248 0x3ff00000 double-high:1 1073741824 0x40000000 double-high:2 1074266112 0x40080000 double-high:3
1074790400 0x40100000 double-high:4 1075052544 0x40140000 double-high:5 1075314688 0x40180000 double-high:6
1075576832 0x401c0000 double-high:7 1075838976 0x40200000 double-high:8 1075970048 0x40220000 double-high:9
1076101120 0x40240000 double-high:10 1076232192 0x40260000 double-high:11 1076363264 0x40280000 double-high:12
1076494336 0x402a0000 double-high:13 1076625408 0x402c0000 double-high:14 1076756480 0x402e0000 double-high:15
1076887552 0x40300000 double-high:16 1076953088 0x40310000 double-high:17 1077018624 0x40320000 double-high:18
1077084160 0x40330000 double-high:19 1077149696 0x40340000 double-high:20 1077215232 0x40350000 double-high:21
1077280768 0x40360000 double-high:22 1077346304 0x40370000 double-high:23 1077411840 0x40380000 double-high:24
1077477376 0x40390000 double-high:25 1077542912 0x403a0000 double-high:26 1077608448 0x403b0000 double-high:27
1077673984 0x403c0000 double-high:28 1077739520 0x403d0000 double-high:29 1077805056 0x403e0000 double-high:30
1077870592 0x403f0000 double-high:31 1077936128 0x40400000 double-high:32 1077968896 0x40408000 double-high:33
1078001664 0x40410000 double-high:34 1078034432 0x40418000 double-high:35 1078067200 0x40420000 double-high:36
1078099968 0x40428000 double-high:37 1078132736 0x40430000 double-high:38 1078165504 0x40438000 double-high:39
1078198272 0x40440000 double-high:40 1078231040 0x40448000 double-high:41 1078263808 0x40450000 double-high:42
1078296576 0x40458000 double-high:43 1078329344 0x40460000 double-high:44 1078362112 0x40468000 double-high:45
1078394880 0x40470000 double-high:46 1078427648 0x40478000 double-high:47 1078460416 0x40480000 double-high:48
1078493184 0x40488000 double-high:49 1078525952 0x40490000 double-high:50 1078558720 0x40498000 double-high:51
1078591488 0x404a0000 double-high:52 1078624256 0x404a8000 double-high:53 1078657024 0x404b0000 double-high:54
1078689792 0x404b8000 double-high:55 1078722560 0x404c0000 double-high:56 1078755328 0x404c8000 double-high:57
1078788096 0x404d0000 double-high:58 1078820864 0x404d8000 double-high:59 1078853632 0x404e0000 double-high:60
1078886400 0x404e8000 double-high:61 1078919168 0x404f0000 double-high:62 1078951936 0x404f8000 double-high:63
1078984704 0x40500000 double-high:64 1079001088 0x40504000 double-high:65 1079017472 0x40508000 double-high:66
1079033856 0x4050c000 double-high:67 1079050240 0x40510000 double-high:68 1079066624 0x40514000 double-high:69
1079083008 0x40518000 double-high:70 1079099392 0x4051c000 double-high:71 1079115776 0x40520000 double-high:72
1079132160 0x40524000 double-high:73 1079148544 0x40528000 double-high:74 1079164928 0x4052c000 double-high:75
1079181312 0x40530000 double-high:76 1079197696 0x40534000 double-high:77 1079214080 0x40538000 double-high:78
1079230464 0x4053c000 double-high:79 1079246848 0x40540000 double-high:80 1079263232 0x40544000 double-high:81
1079279616 0x40548000 double-high:82 1079296000 0x4054c000 double-high:83 1079312384 0x40550000 double-high:84
1079328768 0x40554000 double-high:85 1079345152 0x40558000 double-high:86 1079361536 0x4055c000 double-high:87
1079377920 0x40560000 double-high:88 1079394304 0x40564000 double-high:89 1079410688 0x40568000 double-high:90
1079427072 0x4056c000 double-high:91 1079443456 0x40570000 double-high:92 1079459840 0x40574000 double-high:93
1079476224 0x40578000 double-high:94 1079492608 0x4057c000 double-high:95 1079508992 0x40580000 double-high:96
1079525376 0x40584000 double-high:97 1079541760 0x40588000 double-high:98 1079558144 0x4058c000 double-high:99
1079574528 0x40590000 double-high:100 1079590912 0x40594000 double-high:101 1079607296 0x40598000 double-high:102
1079623680 0x4059c000 double-high:103 1079640064 0x405a0000 double-high:104 1079656448 0x405a4000 double-high:105
1079672832 0x405a8000 double-high:106 1079689216 0x405ac000 double-high:107 1079705600 0x405b0000 double-high:108
1079721984 0x405b4000 double-high:109 1079738368 0x405b8000 double-high:110 1079754752 0x405bc000 double-high:111
1079771136 0x405c0000 double-high:112 1079787520 0x405c4000 double-high:113 1079803904 0x405c8000 double-high:114
1079820288 0x405cc000 double-high:115 1079836672 0x405d0000 double-high:116 1079853056 0x405d4000 double-high:117
1079869440 0x405d8000 double-high:118 1079885824 0x405dc000 double-high:119 1079902208 0x405e0000 double-high:120
1079918592 0x405e4000 double-high:121 1079934976 0x405e8000 double-high:122 1079951360 0x405ec000 double-high:123
1079967744 0x405f0000 double-high:124 1079984128 0x405f4000 double-high:125 1080000512 0x405f8000 double-high:126
1080016896 0x405fc000 double-high:127 1080033280 0x40600000 double-high:128 1080041472 0x40602000 double-high:129
1080049664 0x40604000 double-high:130 1080057856 0x40606000 double-high:131 1080066048 0x40608000 double-high:132
1080074240 0x4060a000 double-high:133 1080082432 0x4060c000 double-high:134 1080090624 0x4060e000 double-high:135
1080098816 0x40610000 double-high:136 1080107008 0x40612000 double-high:137 1080115200 0x40614000 double-high:138
1080123392 0x40616000 double-high:139 1080131584 0x40618000 double-high:140 1080139776 0x4061a000 double-high:141
1080147968 0x4061c000 double-high:142 1080156160 0x4061e000 double-high:143 1080164352 0x40620000 double-high:144
1080172544 0x40622000 double-high:145 1080180736 0x40624000 double-high:146 1080188928 0x40626000 double-high:147
1080197120 0x40628000 double-high:148 1080205312 0x4062a000 double-high:149 1080213504 0x4062c000 double-high:150
1080221696 0x4062e000 double-high:151 1080229888 0x40630000 double-high:152 1080238080 0x40632000 double-high:153
1080246272 0x40634000 double-high:154 1080254464 0x40636000 double-high:155 1080262656 0x40638000 double-high:156
1080270848 0x4063a000 double-high:157 1080279040 0x4063c000 double-high:158 1080287232 0x4063e000 double-high:159
1080295424 0x40640000 double-high:160 1080303616 0x40642000 double-high:161 1080311808 0x40644000 double-high:162
1080320000 0x40646000 double-high:163 1080328192 0x40648000 double-high:164 1080336384 0x4064a000 double-high:165
1080344576 0x4064c000 double-high:166 1080352768 0x4064e000 double-high:167 1080360960 0x40650000 double-high:168
1080369152 0x40652000 double-high:169 1080377344 0x40654000 double-high:170 1080385536 0x40656000 double-high:171
1080393728 0x40658000 double-high:172 1080401920 0x4065a000 double-high:173 1080410112 0x4065c000 double-high:174
1080418304 0x4065e000 double-high:175 1080426496 0x40660000 double-high:176 1080434688 0x40662000 double-high:177
1080442880 0x40664000 double-high:178 1080451072 0x40666000 double-high:179 1080459264 0x40668000 double-high:180
1080467456 0x4066a000 double-high:181 1080475648 0x4066c000 double-high:182 1080483840 0x4066e000 double-high:183
1080492032 0x40670000 double-high:184 1080500224 0x40672000 double-high:185 1080508416 0x40674000 double-high:186
1080516608 0x40676000 double-high:187 1080524800 0x40678000 double-high:188 1080532992 0x4067a000 double-high:189
1080541184 0x4067c000 double-high:190 1080549376 0x4067e000 double-high:191 1080557568 0x40680000 double-high:192
1080565760 0x40682000 double-high:193 1080573952 0x40684000 double-high:194 1080582144 0x40686000 double-high:195
1080590336 0x40688000 double-high:196 1080598528 0x4068a000 double-high:197 1080606720 0x4068c000 double-high:198
1080614912 0x4068e000 double-high:199 1080623104 0x40690000 double-high:200 1080631296 0x40692000 double-high:201
1080639488 0x40694000 double-high:202 1080647680 0x40696000 double-high:203 1080655872 0x40698000 double-high:204
1080664064 0x4069a000 double-high:205 1080672256 0x4069c000 double-high:206 1080680448 0x4069e000 double-high:207
1080688640 0x406a0000 double-high:208 1080696832 0x406a2000 double-high:209 1080705024 0x406a4000 double-high:210
1080713216 0x406a6000 double-high:211 1080721408 0x406a8000 double-high:212 1080729600 0x406aa000 double-high:213
1080737792 0x406ac000 double-high:214 1080745984 0x406ae000 double-high:215 1080754176 0x406b0000 double-high:216
1080762368 0x406b2000 double-high:217 1080770560 0x406b4000 double-high:218 1080778752 0x406b6000 double-high:219
1080786944 0x406b8000 double-high:220 1080795136 0x406ba000 double-high:221 1080803328 0x406bc000 double-high:222
1080811520 0x406be000 double-high:223 1080819712 0x406c0000 double-high:224 1080827904 0x406c2000 double-high:225
1080836096 0x406c4000 double-high:226 1080844288 0x406c6000 double-high:227 1080852480 0x406c8000 double-high:228
1080860672 0x406ca000 double-high:229 1080868864 0x406cc000 double-high:230 1080877056 0x406ce000 double-high:231
1080885248 0x406d0000 double-high:232 1080893440 0x406d2000 double-high:233 1080901632 0x406d4000 double-high:234
1080909824 0x406d6000 double-high:235 1080918016 0x406d8000 double-high:236 1080926208 0x406da000 double-high:237
1080934400 0x406dc000 double-high:238 1080942592 0x406de000 double-high:239 1080950784 0x406e0000 double-high:240
1080958976 0x406e2000 double-high:241 1080967168 0x406e4000 double-high:242 1080975360 0x406e6000 double-high:243
1080983552 0x406e8000 double-high:244 1080991744 0x406ea000 double-high:245 1080999936 0x406ec000 double-high:246
1081008128 0x406ee000 double-high:247 1081016320 0x406f0000 double-high:248 1081024512 0x406f2000 double-high:249
1081032704 0x406f4000 double-high:250 1081040896 0x406f6000 double-high:251 1081049088 0x406f8000 double-high:252
1081057280 0x406fa000 double-high:253 1081065472 0x406fc000 double-high:254 1081073664 0x406fe000 double-high:255
1081081856 0x40700000 double-high:256            
1065353216 0x3f800000 float:1 1073741824 0x40000000 float:2 1077936128 0x40400000 float:3
1082130432 0x40800000 float:4 1084227584 0x40a00000 float:5 1086324736 0x40c00000 float:6
1088421888 0x40e00000 float:7 1090519040 0x41000000 float:8 1091567616 0x41100000 float:9
1092616192 0x41200000 float:10 1093664768 0x41300000 float:11 1094713344 0x41400000 float:12
1095761920 0x41500000 float:13 1096810496 0x41600000 float:14 1097859072 0x41700000 float:15
1098907648 0x41800000 float:16 1099431936 0x41880000 float:17 1099956224 0x41900000 float:18
1100480512 0x41980000 float:19 1101004800 0x41a00000 float:20 1101529088 0x41a80000 float:21
1102053376 0x41b00000 float:22 1102577664 0x41b80000 float:23 1103101952 0x41c00000 float:24
1103626240 0x41c80000 float:25 1104150528 0x41d00000 float:26 1104674816 0x41d80000 float:27
1105199104 0x41e00000 float:28 1105723392 0x41e80000 float:29 1106247680 0x41f00000 float:30
1106771968 0x41f80000 float:31 1107296256 0x42000000 float:32 1107558400 0x42040000 float:33
1107820544 0x42080000 float:34 1108082688 0x420c0000 float:35 1108344832 0x42100000 float:36
1108606976 0x42140000 float:37 1108869120 0x42180000 float:38 1109131264 0x421c0000 float:39
1109393408 0x42200000 float:40 1109655552 0x42240000 float:41 1109917696 0x42280000 float:42
1110179840 0x422c0000 float:43 1110441984 0x42300000 float:44 1110704128 0x42340000 float:45
1110966272 0x42380000 float:46 1111228416 0x423c0000 float:47 1111490560 0x42400000 float:48
1111752704 0x42440000 float:49 1112014848 0x42480000 float:50 1112276992 0x424c0000 float:51
1112539136 0x42500000 float:52 1112801280 0x42540000 float:53 1113063424 0x42580000 float:54
1113325568 0x425c0000 float:55 1113587712 0x42600000 float:56 1113849856 0x42640000 float:57
1114112000 0x42680000 float:58 1114374144 0x426c0000 float:59 1114636288 0x42700000 float:60
1114898432 0x42740000 float:61 1115160576 0x42780000 float:62 1115422720 0x427c0000 float:63
1115684864 0x42800000 float:64 1115815936 0x42820000 float:65 1115947008 0x42840000 float:66
1116078080 0x42860000 float:67 1116209152 0x42880000 float:68 1116340224 0x428a0000 float:69
1116471296 0x428c0000 float:70 1116602368 0x428e0000 float:71 1116733440 0x42900000 float:72
1116864512 0x42920000 float:73 1116995584 0x42940000 float:74 1117126656 0x42960000 float:75
1117257728 0x42980000 float:76 1117388800 0x429a0000 float:77 1117519872 0x429c0000 float:78
1117650944 0x429e0000 float:79 1117782016 0x42a00000 float:80 1117913088 0x42a20000 float:81
1118044160 0x42a40000 float:82 1118175232 0x42a60000 float:83 1118306304 0x42a80000 float:84
1118437376 0x42aa0000 float:85 1118568448 0x42ac0000 float:86 1118699520 0x42ae0000 float:87
1118830592 0x42b00000 float:88 1118961664 0x42b20000 float:89 1119092736 0x42b40000 float:90
1119223808 0x42b60000 float:91 1119354880 0x42b80000 float:92 1119485952 0x42ba0000 float:93
1119617024 0x42bc0000 float:94 1119748096 0x42be0000 float:95 1119879168 0x42c00000 float:96
1120010240 0x42c20000 float:97 1120141312 0x42c40000 float:98 1120272384 0x42c60000 float:99
1120403456 0x42c80000 float:100 1120534528 0x42ca0000 float:101 1120665600 0x42cc0000 float:102
1120796672 0x42ce0000 float:103 1120927744 0x42d00000 float:104 1121058816 0x42d20000 float:105
1121189888 0x42d40000 float:106 1121320960 0x42d60000 float:107 1121452032 0x42d80000 float:108
1121583104 0x42da0000 float:109 1121714176 0x42dc0000 float:110 1121845248 0x42de0000 float:111
1121976320 0x42e00000 float:112 1122107392 0x42e20000 float:113 1122238464 0x42e40000 float:114
1122369536 0x42e60000 float:115 1122500608 0x42e80000 float:116 1122631680 0x42ea0000 float:117
1122762752 0x42ec0000 float:118 1122893824 0x42ee0000 float:119 1123024896 0x42f00000 float:120
1123155968 0x42f20000 float:121 1123287040 0x42f40000 float:122 1123418112 0x42f60000 float:123
1123549184 0x42f80000 float:124 1123680256 0x42fa0000 float:125 1123811328 0x42fc0000 float:126
1123942400 0x42fe0000 float:127 1124073472 0x43000000 float:128 1124139008 0x43010000 float:129
1124204544 0x43020000 float:130 1124270080 0x43030000 float:131 1124335616 0x43040000 float:132
1124401152 0x43050000 float:133 1124466688 0x43060000 float:134 1124532224 0x43070000 float:135
1124597760 0x43080000 float:136 1124663296 0x43090000 float:137 1124728832 0x430a0000 float:138
1124794368 0x430b0000 float:139 1124859904 0x430c0000 float:140 1124925440 0x430d0000 float:141
1124990976 0x430e0000 float:142 1125056512 0x430f0000 float:143 1125122048 0x43100000 float:144
1125187584 0x43110000 float:145 1125253120 0x43120000 float:146 1125318656 0x43130000 float:147
1125384192 0x43140000 float:148 1125449728 0x43150000 float:149 1125515264 0x43160000 float:150
1125580800 0x43170000 float:151 1125646336 0x43180000 float:152 1125711872 0x43190000 float:153
1125777408 0x431a0000 float:154 1125842944 0x431b0000 float:155 1125908480 0x431c0000 float:156
1125974016 0x431d0000 float:157 1126039552 0x431e0000 float:158 1126105088 0x431f0000 float:159
1126170624 0x43200000 float:160 1126236160 0x43210000 float:161 1126301696 0x43220000 float:162
1126367232 0x43230000 float:163 1126432768 0x43240000 float:164 1126498304 0x43250000 float:165
1126563840 0x43260000 float:166 1126629376 0x43270000 float:167 1126694912 0x43280000 float:168
1126760448 0x43290000 float:169 1126825984 0x432a0000 float:170 1126891520 0x432b0000 float:171
1126957056 0x432c0000 float:172 1127022592 0x432d0000 float:173 1127088128 0x432e0000 float:174
1127153664 0x432f0000 float:175 1127219200 0x43300000 float:176 1127284736 0x43310000 float:177
1127350272 0x43320000 float:178 1127415808 0x43330000 float:179 1127481344 0x43340000 float:180
1127546880 0x43350000 float:181 1127612416 0x43360000 float:182 1127677952 0x43370000 float:183
1127743488 0x43380000 float:184 1127809024 0x43390000 float:185 1127874560 0x433a0000 float:186
1127940096 0x433b0000 float:187 1128005632 0x433c0000 float:188 1128071168 0x433d0000 float:189
1128136704 0x433e0000 float:190 1128202240 0x433f0000 float:191 1128267776 0x43400000 float:192
1128333312 0x43410000 float:193 1128398848 0x43420000 float:194 1128464384 0x43430000 float:195
1128529920 0x43440000 float:196 1128595456 0x43450000 float:197 1128660992 0x43460000 float:198
1128726528 0x43470000 float:199 1128792064 0x43480000 float:200 1128857600 0x43490000 float:201
1128923136 0x434a0000 float:202 1128988672 0x434b0000 float:203 1129054208 0x434c0000 float:204
1129119744 0x434d0000 float:205 1129185280 0x434e0000 float:206 1129250816 0x434f0000 float:207
1129316352 0x43500000 float:208 1129381888 0x43510000 float:209 1129447424 0x43520000 float:210
1129512960 0x43530000 float:211 1129578496 0x43540000 float:212 1129644032 0x43550000 float:213
1129709568 0x43560000 float:214 1129775104 0x43570000 float:215 1129840640 0x43580000 float:216
1129906176 0x43590000 float:217 1129971712 0x435a0000 float:218 1130037248 0x435b0000 float:219
1130102784 0x435c0000 float:220 1130168320 0x435d0000 float:221 1130233856 0x435e0000 float:222
1130299392 0x435f0000 float:223 1130364928 0x43600000 float:224 1130430464 0x43610000 float:225
1130496000 0x43620000 float:226 1130561536 0x43630000 float:227 1130627072 0x43640000 float:228
1130692608 0x43650000 float:229 1130758144 0x43660000 float:230 1130823680 0x43670000 float:231
1130889216 0x43680000 float:232 1130954752 0x43690000 float:233 1131020288 0x436a0000 float:234
1131085824 0x436b0000 float:235 1131151360 0x436c0000 float:236 1131216896 0x436d0000 float:237
1131282432 0x436e0000 float:238 1131347968 0x436f0000 float:239 1131413504 0x43700000 float:240
1131479040 0x43710000 float:241 1131544576 0x43720000 float:242 1131610112 0x43730000 float:243
1131675648 0x43740000 float:244 1131741184 0x43750000 float:245 1131806720 0x43760000 float:246
1131872256 0x43770000 float:247 1131937792 0x43780000 float:248 1132003328 0x43790000 float:249
1132068864 0x437a0000 float:250 1132134400 0x437b0000 float:251 1132199936 0x437c0000 float:252
1132265472 0x437d0000 float:253 1132331008 0x437e0000 float:254 1132396544 0x437f0000 float:255
1132462080 0x43800000 float:256            
-2130509812 0x8103000c (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::STD_VECTOR+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16S)
-2130509811 0x8103000d (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::STD_VECTOR+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_8U+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16S)
-2113732587 0x82030015 (cv::ACCESS_WRITE+cv::STD_VECTOR+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_8U+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U+cv::DEPTH_MASK_32S)
-2130444276 0x8104000c (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::STD_VECTOR_VECTOR+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16S)
16842817 0x1010041 (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::MAT+cv::DEPTH_MASK_8U+cv::DEPTH_MASK_64F)
17301504 0x1080000 (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::CUDA_HOST_MEM)
-2113667060 0x8204000c (cv::ACCESS_WRITE+cv::STD_VECTOR_VECTOR+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16S)
33619968 0x2010000 (cv::ACCESS_WRITE+cv::MAT)
16842752 0x1010000 (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::MAT)
50397184 0x3010000 (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::ACCESS_WRITE+cv::MAT)
-1040121856 0xc2010000 (cv::ACCESS_WRITE+cv::MAT+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::FIXED_SIZE)
-1040121856 0xc2010000 (cv::ACCESS_WRITE+cv::MAT+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::FIXED_SIZE)
33882112 0x2050000 (cv::ACCESS_WRITE+cv::STD_VECTOR_MAT)
17104896 0x1050000 (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::STD_VECTOR_MAT)
-1040056315 0xc2020005 (cv::ACCESS_WRITE+cv::MATX+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::FIXED_SIZE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_8U+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U)
-1056833530 0xc1020006 (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::MATX+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::FIXED_SIZE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_8S+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U)
-1056833530 0xc1020006 (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::MATX+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::FIXED_SIZE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_8S+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U)
-1040056314 0xc2020006 (cv::ACCESS_WRITE+cv::MATX+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::FIXED_SIZE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_8S+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U)
-1040056314 0xc2020006 (cv::ACCESS_WRITE+cv::MATX+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::FIXED_SIZE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_8S+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U)
33685504 0x2020000 (cv::ACCESS_WRITE+cv::MATX)
-1056571392 0xc1060000 (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::EXPR+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::FIXED_SIZE)
50987008 0x30a0000 (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::ACCESS_WRITE+cv::UMAT)
34209792 0x20a0000 (cv::ACCESS_WRITE+cv::UMAT)
17432576 0x10a0000 (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::UMAT)
-2113732604 0x82030004 (cv::ACCESS_WRITE+cv::STD_VECTOR+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U)
-2130509820 0x81030004 (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::STD_VECTOR+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U)
-2113732602 0x82030006 (cv::ACCESS_WRITE+cv::STD_VECTOR+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_8S+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U)
-2130509818 0x81030006 (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::STD_VECTOR+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_8S+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U)
-2130509811 0x8103000d (cv::ACCESS_READ+cv::STD_VECTOR+cv::FIXED_TYPE+cv::DEPTH_MASK_8U+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16U+cv::DEPTH_MASK_16S)
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <vld.h>
#include "../testwin.h"

#include <Shlwapi.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "shlwapi.lib") // Windows API PathFileExists
#include "../../dcode/enhancedef.h"

#include <ncnn/mat.h>
#include <ncnn/allocator.h>
#include <ncnn/cpu.h>
#include <ncnn/net.h>

enum {
    KIND_SHIFT = 16,
    FIXED_TYPE = 0x8000 << KIND_SHIFT,
    FIXED_SIZE = 0x4000 << KIND_SHIFT,

    NONE = 0 << KIND_SHIFT,
    MAT = 1 << KIND_SHIFT,
    MATX = 2 << KIND_SHIFT,
    EXPR = 6 << KIND_SHIFT,
    UMAT = 10 << KIND_SHIFT,

enum {
    ACCESS_READ = 1 << 24, ACCESS_WRITE = 1 << 25,
    ACCESS_RW = 3 << 24, ACCESS_FAST = 1 << 26

    DEPTH_MASK_8U = 1 << CV_8U,
    DEPTH_MASK_8S = 1 << CV_8S,
    DEPTH_MASK_16U = 1 << CV_16U,
    DEPTH_MASK_16S = 1 << CV_16S,
    DEPTH_MASK_32S = 1 << CV_32S,
    DEPTH_MASK_32F = 1 << CV_32F,
    DEPTH_MASK_64F = 1 << CV_64F,
    DEPTH_MASK_ALL = (DEPTH_MASK_64F << 1) - 1,

#define PARSE_CHECK(mat) if (knum & mat) { \
unsigned int znum = knum & (~mat); \
if (!code) { \
printf("parse - cv::" #mat " %08x %08x/%08x \n", mat, knum, znum); } \
knum = znum; strcat(buffer, "+cv::" #mat); check += mat; \
} assert(getBinCount(mat) == 1);

#define PARSE_CHECK_KIND(mat) if ((knum & (KIND_MASK)) == mat) { \
unsigned int znum = knum & (~(KIND_MASK)); \
if (!code) { \
printf("parse - cv::" #mat " %08x %08x/%08x \n", mat, knum, znum); } \
knum = znum; strcat(buffer, "+cv::" #mat); check += mat; \

int getBinCount(const unsigned int src) {
    int count = 0;
    unsigned int knum = src;
    while (knum) {
        if (knum & 1) {
        knum = knum >> 1;
    if (count != 1) {
        assert(count == 1);
    return count;

//#include "E:\kSource\blog\invisible\decompile\mycv.h"
int parseCvMagic(unsigned int knum, bool code = false) {
    if (!code) {
        printf("---------- \n");
    const unsigned int src = knum;
    unsigned int check = 0; // 累加上去。
    char buffer[1024] = { 0 };

    enum { MAGIC_MASK = 0xFFFF0000, TYPE_MASK = 0x00000FFF, DEPTH_MASK = 7 };

    unsigned int cont = CV_MAT_CONT_FLAG;
    unsigned int submat = CV_SUBMAT_FLAG;





    unsigned int xtype = knum & TYPE_MASK;
    if (xtype) {
        assert(xtype == 0);

    unsigned int magic = knum & MAGIC_MASK;
    if (magic) {
        assert(magic == 0);

    unsigned int depth = knum & DEPTH_MASK;
    if (depth) {
        assert(depth == 0);

    if (knum == 0) { // 用完了。
        printf("%d | 0x%x | (%s) \n", src, src, &buffer[1]);
    } else { // 有剩余 !!!
        printf("%d | 0x%x | (%s | 0x%x) \n", src, src, &buffer[1], knum);
    if (check != src || knum != 0) {
        assert(check + knum == src);
        assert(check == src);
        assert(knum == 0);
    return knum;

void testmagic() {

    int k = 0;
    k = sizeof(cv::Size); // 8
    k = sizeof(std::vector<int>); // 16
    k = sizeof(cv::Mat); // 56
    k = sizeof(std::initializer_list<int>); // 8
    k = sizeof(std::array<int, 2>); // 8
    k = sizeof(cv::Vec<int, 2>); // 8
    k = sizeof(cv::Matx<int, 2, 3>); // 24
    k = sizeof(cv::Point_<int>); // 8
    k = sizeof(cv::Point3_<int>); // 12
    k = sizeof(cv::MatCommaInitializer_<int>); // 20

    cv::Vec4d vec;
    cv::InputArray array(vec);
    k = array.getFlags();
    parseCvMagic(k, true);

    parseCvMagic(33619968, true);
    parseCvMagic(16842752, true);
    parseCvMagic(33882112, true);
    parseCvMagic(17104896, true);

    parseCvMagic(-2130509812, true);
    parseCvMagic(-1040056315, true);
    parseCvMagic(-1056833530, true);

    // 这几个存在疑问。
    parseCvMagic(1072693248, true);
    parseCvMagic(1074266112, true);
    parseCvMagic(1081073664, true);
    parseCvMagic(1079623680, true);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    return 0;

内存地址是否高位为 1,int64 的情况?可以当成 long long 来处理。 64 位操作系统内存值的最高位可能是 1 吗?不可能,所有系统的寻址能力,最高 0xffff 都是用不到的。 简述 AMD64 架构的各类处理器分页模式,以及什么是物理地址扩展 AMD64 架构核心 —— 长模式分页。 长模式是 AMD64 架构的核心,它使用 48 位长的二进制数表示线性地址。而长模式的分页则是以 PAE 的分页模式作为跳板,将 32 位的线性地址扩展至 48 位,并转换成 52 位长的物理地址。 最高位只有运算的时候,可能用到。一般就是 48 位,启用 PAE 可以到 52 位。 危险的 (unsigned int)(float) 强转:

if (outx == 0) {
    auto xxd = v25 * 255.0;
    float xxdf = (float)xxd;
    int t1 = (int)xxdf;
    int t2 = (unsigned int)xxdf; // 这里 32 系统,64 系统不一样。
    printf("v25 = %f \n", v25);
    printf("v25 = %f \n", xxd);
    printf("v25 = %f %x  %x:%x \n", xxdf, *(_DWORD*)&xxdf, t1, t2);
    printf("v25 = %x %d \n", (unsigned int)xxdf, temp);

32 位系统:

v25 = -0.333500
v25 = -85.042499
v25 = -85.042496 c2aa15c2  ffffffab:ffffffff
v25 = ffffffff 255
// 生成的汇编不一样,造成计算误差。
movss       xmm0,dword ptr [ebp-0C8h]
call        __ftoui3 (0F1B1708h)
mov         dword ptr [ebp-0D0h],eax

64 位系统:

v25 = -0.333500
v25 = -85.042499
v25 = -85.042496 c2aa15c2  ffffffab:ffffffab
v25 = ffffffab 171
// 生成的汇编不一样,造成计算误差。
cvttss2si   rax,dword ptr [rsp+140h]
mov         dword ptr [rsp+148h],eax

6BlackWhiteColor\android\54.webp.result.png – 这玩意每次跑出来结果不一样。

  • 由于矩阵没有初始化,造成的结果波动。 memset(bkground.data, 0, bkground.step * bkground.rows); 7SaveInk\android\78.jfif.result.png – 这个也不一样。

  • __dmb(0xBu); -> __dmb(_ARM_BARRIER_ISH);

    typedef enum _tag_ARMINTR_BARRIER_TYPE
        _ARM_BARRIER_SY    = 0xF,
        _ARM_BARRIER_ST    = 0xE,
        _ARM_BARRIER_ISH   = 0xB,
        _ARM_BARRIER_ISHST = 0xA,
        _ARM_BARRIER_NSH   = 0x7,
        _ARM_BARRIER_NSHST = 0x6,
        _ARM_BARRIER_OSH   = 0x3,
        _ARM_BARRIER_OSHST = 0x2
v67.a.dims = 0; // 3
v67.a.flags = 0; // 2
v67.op = (const cv::MatOp*)33619968; // 0
v67.flags = (int)thisz; // 1

// 矩阵初始化代码。需要删除。
matArray[2].flags = 0x42ff0000;
memset(&matArray[2].dims, 0, 0x24u);
matArray[2].step.buf[1] = 0;
matArray[2].step.buf[0] = 0;
matArray[2].step.p = matArray[2].step.buf;
matArray[2].size.p = &matArray[2].rows;

整数定数除法的代换 (constant integer division)

消失的除法指令:Part1 除法换成乘法 3435973837 在 gcc 里面有一个 32-bit 的 unsigned integer x,那么 x/10 会被转换成 (x*3435973837)>>35

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    int a = i * 5;
    int b = a * 3435973837;
    printf("%u %u \n", a, b);
    assert(a / 5 == b);

为了效率,已经丧心病狂了。 一个 32-bit 的 unsigned integer x,那么 x/10 会被转换成 (x*3435973837)>>35 。 除以 5 等价于 乘以 3435973837(运算溢出后是等价的)。 Shift to divide by 10


note C++ 的局部静态对象

https://opensource.apple.com/source/libcppabi/libcppabi-14/src/cxa_guard.cxx j___cxa_guard_acquire note The actual code emitted by GCC to call a local static variable's constructor looks something like this:

static <type> guard;

if (!guard.first_byte) {
    if (__cxa_guard_acquire (&guard)) {
        bool flag = false;

        try {
            // Do initialization.
            __cxa_guard_release (&guard);

            flag = true;
            // Register variable for destruction at end of program.
        } catch {
            if (!flag) {
                __cxa_guard_abort (&guard);

delete 与 delete[] 的区别

  1. 如果对象无析构函数(包括不需要合成析构函数,比如注释掉 ~A 和 string s 两行代码) delete 会直接调用 operator delete 并直接调用 free 释放内存, 这个时候的 new = new [] (仅在数量上有差异), delete = delete[]
  2. 如果对象存在析构函数(包括合成析构函数),则 这个才是重点new [] 返回的地址会后移 4 个字节,并用那 4 个存放数组的大小!而 new 不用后移这四个字节。 delete [] 根据那个 4 个字节的值,调用指定次数的析构函数,同样 delete 也不需要那四个字节。

结果就是在不恰当的使用 deletedelete [] 调用 free 的时候会造成 4 个字节的错位, 最终导致 debug assertion failed!

再回到《高质量 C++ 编程指南》:

delete []objects; // 正确的用法
delete objects;   // 错误的用法

后者相当于 delete objects[0] ,漏掉了另外 99 个对象。 严格应该这样说:后者相当于仅调用了 objects[0] 的析构函数, 漏掉了调用另外 99 个对象的析构函数, 并且在调用之后释放内存时导致异常(如果存在析构函数的话), 如果对象无析构函数该语句与 delete []objects 相同。

new []

// 申请大小为 5(4+1,既 4 个字节存放数组大小,一个存放对象大小,0 字节对象大小为 1)
00401298   push        5
// 获取分配的内存地址,存放入 AX
0040129A   call        operator new (00408660)
0040129F   add         esp,4
004012A2   mov         dword ptr [ebp-8],eax
// 判断是否 =0,既 ==NULL
004012A5   cmp         dword ptr [ebp-8],0
004012A9   je          main+3Fh (004012bf)
004012AB   mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-8]
// !=0,则用前四个自己存放数组大小,测试对象数组大小为 1
004012AE   mov         dword ptr [eax],1
004012B4   mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp-8]
004012B7   add         ecx,4 // 地址值加 4
004012BA   mov         dword ptr [ebp-14h],ecx
004012BD   jmp         main+46h (004012c6)
004012BF   mov         dword ptr [ebp-14h],0 // 分配失败,这是为 0
004012C6   mov         edx,dword ptr [ebp-14h]
004012C9   mov         dword ptr [ebp-4],edx

delete []

00401388   mov         edx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
0040138B   sub         edx,4  // 与 delete 相比,先前移指针然后释放空间。
0040138E   push        edx
0040138F   call        operator delete (004063e0)
0040134F   mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
00401352   push        ecx
00401353   call        operator delete (00406370)

ARM 原子操作

深入浅出 ARM 原子操作 __ldrex and __strex intrinsics deprecated

int sum = 0;

int old = sum;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { // 百万次
    // 如果 old 等于 sum,就把 old+1 写入 sum
    while (!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&sum, old, old + 1)) {
        old = sum; // 更新 old
do {
    while ( 1 ) {
        do {
            v2 = __ldrex((unsigned __int32 *)&sum);
            v3 = v2 == v1;
            if ( v2 != v1 )
            v4 = __strex(v1 + 1, (unsigned int *)&sum);
            v3 = v4 == 0;
        } while ( v4 );
        if ( v3 )
        v1 = sum;
} while ( v0 );
v14 = (unsigned int*)(v13 + 12); // 读取地址。
    v15 = __ldrex(v14); // 读取值,标记独占。
while (__strex(v15 + 1, v14)); // 如果没有设置成功,继续循环。

ldrex 与 strex 大概处理流程

在 ARM 系统当中通过 LDREX 和 STREX 实现内存的原子操作,首先研究一下两条指令的语义。 其实 LDREX 和 STREX 指令,是将单纯的更新内存的原子操作分成了两个独立的步骤。 大致的流程如下,但是 ARM 内部为了实现这个功能,还有不少复杂的情况要处理。

LDREX 用来读取内存中的值,并标记对该段内存的独占访问:LDREX Rx, [Ry] 。 上面的指令意味着,读取寄存器 Ry 指向的 4 字节内存值,将其保存到 Rx 寄存器中,同时标记对 Ry 指向内存区域的独占访问。 如果执行 LDREX 指令的时候发现已经被标记为独占访问了,并不会对指令的执行产生影响。

而 STREX 在更新内存数值时,会检查该段内存是否已经被标记为独占访问, 并以此来决定是否更新内存中的值:STREX Rx, Ry, [Rz] 。 如果执行这条指令的时候发现已经被标记为独占访问了,则将寄存器 Ry 中的值更新到寄存器 Rz 指向的内存, 并将寄存器 Rx 设置成 0。指令执行成功后,会将独占访问标记位清除。 而如果执行这条指令的时候发现没有设置独占标记,则不会更新内存,且将寄存器 Rx 的值设置成 1。 一旦某条 STREX 指令执行成功后,以后再对同一段内存尝试使用 STREX 指令更新的时候, 会发现独占标记已经被清空了,就不能再更新了,从而实现独占访问的机制。

Hey, there! Enjoy!

Hey, there! Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy reading the stuff in here. Nothing fancy, really. Just bits and bobs about tech and random topics.

wchar_t* pstr = nullptr;
CString exe = pstr; // 不会崩溃。

// 0xC0000005: 读取位置 0x00000000 时发生访问冲突。
std::wstring tempexe = pstr; // 会崩溃。


  1. std::string = null;
  2. CString str; GetWindowsText(hWnd, str.GetBuffer(/* 没有指定大小 */), MAX_PATH);
bool endsWith(const CString& str, const CString& suffix, bool ignoreCase)
    int totalSize = str.GetLength();
    int suffixSize = suffix.GetLength();
    if (totalSize < suffixSize) {
        return false;
    if (ignoreCase) {
        return str.Right(suffixSize).CompareNoCase(suffix) == 0;
    return str.Right(suffixSize).Compare(suffix) == 0;

Windows 内存状态:

__int64 winMemoCtrl() {
    MEMORYSTATUSEX memory_status;
    memory_status.dwLength = sizeof(memory_status);

    if (memory_status.ullAvailPhys <= 500 * 1024 * 1024) {
        return 30 * 1024 * 1024;

    return 100 * 1024 * 1024;

Android Studio

Android ARGB_8888 格式图片的各通道顺序其实不是 ARGB,而是 RGBA。 这里还真不一定,最后,我是通过设置一个颜色位,0xFF4080C0,然后底层校验判断的。

int* datap = (int*) data;
unsigned char* check = (unsigned char*) data;
// 0xFF4080C0
if (check[3] >= 0xf0 && //
    0xf0 > check[0] &&
    check[0] > check[1] && //
    check[1] > check[2]) {

    datap[0] = color;
    cv::cvtColor(src, tempmat, cv::COLOR_RGBA2RGB);

    // 0xFFC08040
} else if (check[3] >= 0xf0 && //
           0xf0 > check[2] &&
           check[2] > check[1] && //
           check[1] > check[0]) {

    // RGBA -> BGRA
    char* p = (char*)&color;
    char r = *(p+0);
    char b = *(p+2);
    *(p+0) = b;
    *(p+2) = r;
    datap[0] = color;
    cv::cvtColor(src, tempmat, cv::COLOR_BGRA2RGB);

    // 0xffa8bbc2 - 0xff??
} else {
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUG)
    throw std::invalid_argument("img data err");  // checked(8Ia6)
    return -1;

Android 历史版本

  • E:\android-studio-2021.3.1.17-windows.exe
    • 最新版本,老手机(HUAWEI MT7-TL00 Android 5.1.1 API 22)无法调试 C++。
    • 新小手机(OPPO PBCM30 Android 10,API 29)可以调试。
  • E:\android-studio-20191205-3.5.3-ide-191.6010548-windows.exe
    • 无法 load 起来。
  • E:\android-studio-20200224-3.6-ide-192.6200805-windows.exe
    • 没有过多尝试。
  • E:\android-studio-20210119-4.1.2-ide-201.7042882-windows.exe
    • 最终貌似是这个版本。
    • This version of the Android Support plugin for IntelliJ IDEA (or Android Studio) cannot open this project, please retry with version 2021.2.1 or newer.
      • 不能打开主工程,那玩意太新了。
    • No toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder for ABI with prefix: arm-linux-androideabi
      • classpath "com.android.tools.build:gradle:4.1.3"


guide 原版 Android。 result,pc 32 版本,64 作为对照组。 android 文件夹,self android 32 版本,64 作为对照组。



操作系统 公共定义 64 位系统定义
Windows _WIN32 _WIN64
macOS __APPLE__ __LP64__
Linux __linux__ __LP64__
Android __ANDROID__ __LP64__


编译器 编译器定义 x86 AMD64 ARM32 Thumb ARM64
GCC __GNUC__ __i386__ __x86_64__ __arm__ __thumb__ __aarch64__
Clang __clang__ __i386__ __x86_64__ __arm__ __thumb__ __aarch64__

C++ 数据类型

char buffer[1024];
sprintf(buffer, "char | %d \n", sizeof(char));
sprintf(buffer, "short | %d \n", sizeof(short));
sprintf(buffer, "int | %d \n", sizeof(int));
sprintf(buffer, "long | %d \n", sizeof(long));
sprintf(buffer, "long long | %d \n", sizeof(long long));
sprintf(buffer, "__int64 | %d \n", sizeof(__int64));
sprintf(buffer, "float | %d \n", sizeof(float));
sprintf(buffer, "double | %d \n", sizeof(double));
sprintf(buffer, "long double | %d \n", sizeof(long double));
sprintf(buffer, "void* | %d \n", sizeof(void*));
sprintf(buffer, "size_t | %d \n", sizeof(size_t));
  • 主要就是指针和 int 的问题。
类型 Win32 Win64 Android32 Android64 C#
char 1 1 1 1 2 (wchar)
short 2 2 2 2 2
int 4 4 4 4 4
long 4 4 4 8(巨坑) 8
long long 8 8 8 8  
int64 8 8 8 8  
float 4 4 4 4 4
double 8 8 8 8 8
long double 8 8 8 16(巨坑)  
void* 4 8 4 8  
size_t 4 8 4 8  

note 补码最大好处就是不管是有符号数还是无符号数都可以用同一套加减法。 有符号数和无符号数在计算机里表示都是一样的,二进制的补码形式。 是有符号还是无符号,是编译器来辨认的。

  • 赋值截断问题
    • 等长直接赋值,变短直接截断,变长如果正前补 0,为负前补 1,浮点数同理。
  • 运算问题
    • 汇编是不区分正负数字的。溢出不溢出,是由程序员判断的,机器不管。
      • 溢出标志 OF 可检测有符号数的溢出。
      • 进位标志 CF 可检测无符号数的回绕。
  • 判等问题
    • movsx eax,byte ptr [a] 先符号扩展,再传送。
    • movzx ecx,byte ptr [b] 先零扩展,再传送。
    • cmp eax,ecx 再比较。

C/C++ 中 float 的内存结构

note float 的内存结构 一个 32 位的 float 数和一个 64 位 double 数的存储主要分为三部分:符号位,指数位,尾数位。 以 float 数为例:

  1. 符号位 (sign):1 个 bit,0 代表正数,1 代表负数(这里和整数一致,所以汇编可以直接判断正负)。
  2. 指数位 (exponent):8 个 bit,范围 -127~128,用于存储科学计数法中的指数部分,并且采用以为存储方式,所存储的数据为原数据 +127。
  3. 尾数位 (mantissa):23bit,用于存储尾数部分。

float 数的表示形式: \(pow(−1,sign)*(1+mag)*pow(2,exp−127)\)


#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>


if (OpenClipboard())
    HGLOBAL hGBClipboard;
    char *chBufferText;
    hGBClipboard = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE, strClipboardText.GetLength() + 1);
    chBufferText = (char*)GlobalLock(hGBClipboard);
    strcpy(chBufferText, LPCSTR(strClipboardText));
    SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hGBClipboard);


if (OpenClipboard())
    HANDLE hClipboardData = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT);
    char *chBufferText = (char*)GlobalLock(hClipboardData);
    strClipboardText = chBufferText;


#include <assert.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <TlHelp32.h>
BOOL GetCurrentMainThreadID(DWORD* pdwThreadID)
    BOOL bRet = FALSE;
    THREADENTRY32 te32 = {0};
    DWORD dwProcessId = 0;
    static DWORD Curl_dwMainThreadId = 0;

    if (!pdwThreadID) {
        return FALSE;
    if (Curl_dwMainThreadId) {
        *pdwThreadID = Curl_dwMainThreadId;
        return TRUE;

    dwProcessId = GetCurrentProcessId();
    //  Take a snapshot of all processes in the system.
    hThreadSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, 0);
    if (hThreadSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        return FALSE;

    //  Fill in the size of the structure before using it.
    te32.dwSize = sizeof(THREADENTRY32);
    if (Thread32First(hThreadSnap, &te32)) {
        if (te32.th32OwnerProcessID == dwProcessId) {
            *pdwThreadID = te32.th32ThreadID;
            Curl_dwMainThreadId = te32.th32ThreadID;
            bRet = TRUE;
    while (!bRet && Thread32Next(hThreadSnap, &te32)) {
        if (te32.th32OwnerProcessID == dwProcessId) {
            *pdwThreadID = te32.th32ThreadID;
            Curl_dwMainThreadId = te32.th32ThreadID;
            bRet = TRUE;

    // Do not forget to clean up the snapshot object.
    CloseHandle (hThreadSnap);
    return bRet;

void CheckAssertMainThread() {
#if _DEBUG
    DWORD dwThreadID = 0;
    if (GetCurrentMainThreadID(&dwThreadID)) {
        assert(dwThreadID != GetCurrentThreadId());


#pragma once


#include <Windows.h>
#include <atlstr.h>

namespace toy
    class ToySingleInstance
        ToySingleInstance(LPCTSTR strName)
            : m_hMutex(NULL)
            , m_strInstanceName(strName) {


        BOOL IsExist()
            HANDLE hMutex = ::OpenMutex(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, m_strInstanceName);
            if (hMutex) {
                return TRUE;
            return FALSE;

        BOOL Create()
            if (IsExist())
                return FALSE;

            HANDLE hMutex = CreateMutex(

            if (hMutex == NULL) {
                return FALSE;
            } else if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
                return FALSE;

            m_hMutex = hMutex;
            hMutex = NULL;

            return TRUE;

        VOID Close()
            if (m_hMutex) {
                m_hMutex = NULL;

        CString m_strInstanceName;
        HANDLE m_hMutex;



from opencv ocl.cpp

typedef uint32_t        uint;
typedef signed char     schar;
typedef unsigned char   uchar;
typedef unsigned short  ushort;
typedef int64_t         int64;
typedef uint64_t        uint64;
#define CV_BIG_INT(n)   n##LL
#define CV_BIG_UINT(n)  n##ULL

// Computes 64-bit "cyclic redundancy check" sum, as specified in ECMA-182
uint64 crc64(const uchar* data, size_t size, uint64 crcx)
    static uint64 table[256];
    static bool initialized = false;

    if (!initialized) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
            uint64 c = i;
            for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                c = ((c & 1) ? CV_BIG_UINT(0xc96c5795d7870f42) : 0) ^ (c >> 1);
            table[i] = c;
        initialized = true;

    uint64 crc = ~crcx;
    for (size_t idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) {
        crc = table[(uchar)crc ^ data[idx]] ^ (crc >> 8);
    return ~crc;

bsearch & qsort

int compare(const void* a, const void* b) {
    return (*(int*)a - *(int*)b);
int cmpfunc(const void * a, const void * b) {
   return ( *(int*)a - *(int*)b );
qsort(ali, size, sizeof(int), compare);
qsort(values, 5, sizeof(int), cmpfunc);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int cmpfunc(const void * a, const void * b) {
   return ( *(int*)a - *(int*)b );

int values[] = { 5, 20, 29, 32, 63 };

int main () {
   int *item;
   int key = 32;

   /* using bsearch() to find value 32 in the array */
   item = (int*) bsearch (&key, values, 5, sizeof (int), cmpfunc);
   if ( item != NULL ) {
      printf("Found item = %d\n", *item);
   } else {
      printf("Item = %d could not be found\n", *item);


log C#

using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;

private static bool m_bLocalDebug = true;

public static void WriteLog(string strLog)
    if (!m_bLocalDebug) {
    string sFilePath = "D:\\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMM");
    string sFileName = "logfile" + Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id +
                           "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd") + ".log";
    sFileName = sFilePath + "\\" + sFileName; // 文件的绝对路径
    if (!Directory.Exists(sFilePath)) { // 验证路径是否存在
    FileStream fs;
    bool create = false;
    if (File.Exists(sFileName)) {
        fs = new FileStream(sFileName, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write);
    }  else {
        fs = new FileStream(sFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
        create = true;
    StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs);
    if (create) {
        String commandLineString = System.Environment.CommandLine;
        String[] args = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
        for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) {
    sw.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss") + "   ---   " + strLog);

log C++

FILE *fp = NULL;
fp = fopen("D:\\camera.txt", "a");
if (fp)
    fprintf(fp, "%s %d \n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

FILE* fp = NULL;
errno_t err = fopen_s(&fp, "E:\\irrlicht.txt", "a");
if (err == 0 && fp)
    fprintf(fp, "%s@x\n", lpcstr);

char fpath[1024] = "";
_fullpath(fpath, fileLocation, 1024);
{ // C 版本。#include <locale>
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "chs");
    FILE* fp = NULL;
    errno_t err = fopen_s(&fp, "E:\\curl.txt", "a");
    if (err == 0 && fp) {
        fwprintf(fp, L"%s\n", szUrl);
        for (int i = 0; i < nSize; i++) {
            fputc(pBuffer[i], fp);
        fputc('\n', fp);

C++ File

  • ‘r’ 读
  • ‘w’ 写
  • ‘a’ 追加
  • ‘r+’ == r+w(读写,可读可写,文件若不存在就报错 IOError)
  • ‘w+’ == w+r(写读,可读可写,文件若不存在就创建)
  • ‘a+’ == a+r(可追加可写,文件若不存在就创建)
  • 对应的,如果是二进制文件,需要加一个 b:
  • ‘rb’  ‘wb’  ‘ab’  ‘rb+’  ‘wb+’  ‘ab+’
  • 注意!‘w’会抹去文件原有的内容,如果只是加新的内容应该用‘a’
long getfileSize(const char* fpath) {
    FILE* fs = fopen(fpath, "rb");
    if (!fs) return -1;
    fseek(fs, 0, SEEK_END);
    long length = ftell(fs);
    // rewind(fs);
    return length;

// FILE* file;
// if (fopen_s(&file, datfile.c_str(), "rb") == 0) {
//     fobj = std::shared_ptr<FILE>(file, std::fclose);
// }
// else {
//     assert(false);
//     return;
// }
bool readfileSeek(const char* fpath, char* buffer, long readsize, long seek) {
    FILE* fs = fopen(fpath, "rb");
    if (!fs) return false;
    fseek(fs, seek, SEEK_SET);
    fread(buffer, 1, readsize, fs);
    return true;

char* readfile(const char* fpath, long& length) {
    FILE* fs = fopen(fpath, "rb");
    if (!fs) return nullptr;
    fseek(fs, 0, SEEK_END);
    length = ftell(fs);
    char* data = new char[length + 1];
    fread(data, 1, length, fs);
    data[length] = 0;
    return data;

// 返回开始写文件的地址偏移。
long appendfile(const char* fpath, const char* data, long length) {
    assert(data && length > 0);
    if (!data || length <= 0) return -1;
    FILE* fs = fopen(fpath, "ab");
    if (!fs) return -1;
    fseek(fs, 0, SEEK_END);
    long offset = ftell(fs);
    fwrite(data, 1, length, fs);
    return offset;
bool IsFileRegular(const std::string &path) {
    struct stat st;
    if (stat(path.c_str(), &st))
        return false;
    return S_ISREG(st.st_mode);

bool IsDirectory(const std::string &path)
    struct stat st;
    if (stat(path.c_str(), &st))
        return false;
    return S_ISDIR(st.st_mode);

// exdir 表示进行文件夹检查,不能是 文件夹。
bool IsFilePathExists(const char* path, bool exdir)
    // 如果指定的存取方式有效,则函数返回 0,否则函数返回 -1。
    int code = ::access(path, 0);
    if (0 == code) {
        if (exdir && IsDirectory(path)) {
            return false;
        return true;
    return false;

#include "shlwapi.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "shlwapi.lib")
void myCreateDirectory(const wchar_t* fpath, bool isfile = true) {
    std::wstring fdir = fpath;
    if (!isfile) {
        if (PathIsDirectory(fdir.c_str())) {

    int index = -1;
    int temp = 0;
    if ((temp = fdir.rfind(L"/")) != -1) {
        index = std::max(index, temp);
    if ((temp = fdir.rfind(L"\\")) != -1) {
        index = std::max(index, temp);
    if (index != -1) {
        myCreateDirectory(fdir.substr(0, index).c_str(), false);
    if (!isfile) {
        ::CreateDirectory(fdir.c_str(), NULL);

bool CreateDeepDirectory(const char* szPath)
    if (IsDirectory(szPath)) {
        return true;
    if (IsFilePathExists(szPath, false))
        return false;

#ifdef __ANDROID__
    if (0 != ::mkdir(szPath, 0777))
    if (0 != ::mkdir(szPath))
        StringDup strPath(szPath);
        if (!PathRemoveFileName(strPath) || IsFilePathEmpty(strPath)) {
            return false;

        if (!CreateDeepDirectory(strPath))
            return false;

#ifdef __ANDROID__
        if (0 != ::mkdir(szPath, 0777))
        if (0 != ::mkdir(szPath))
            return false;
    return true;

std::string GetAbsolutePath(const std::string& filename)
    if (filename.empty())
        return filename;
#if defined(_WIN32)
    char fpath[_MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
    char* p = _fullpath(fpath, filename.c_str(), _MAX_PATH);
    std::string tmp(p);
    return tmp;
    char fpath[4096] = { 0 };
    char* p = realpath(filename.c_str(), fpath);
    std::string tmp(p);
    return tmp;

C++ String

On Windows, wchar_t is UTF-16 while on other platform such as Linux and MacOS, wchar_t is UTF-32! link

#include <string>
#include <sstream>

template<typename T>
inline std::string stringify(const T& x)
    std::ostringstream o;
    if (!(o << x)) return "";
    return o.str();

template<typename T>
inline T fromString(char *s)
    std::string str = s;
    std::istringstream i(str);
    T x;
    i >> x;
    return x;
#include <codecvt>

// C++17: codecvt_utf8 is deprecated
std::wstring convert_to_wstring(const std::string &str)
    std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>, wchar_t> conv;
    return conv.from_bytes(str);

std::string convert_from_wstring(const std::wstring &wstr)
    std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>, wchar_t> conv;
    return conv.to_bytes(wstr);
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <string>

// C++17: codecvt_utf8 is deprecated
// std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>> strConvert;

// 有的字符串可能会编码失败。
std::wstring CharToWChar(const char* str, size_t encode) {
    if (!str)
        return L"";
    int srclen = strlen(str);
    int len = MultiByteToWideChar(encode, 0, str, srclen, NULL, 0);
    if (len <= 0) {
        return L"";
    wchar_t* temp = new wchar_t[len + 1];
    MultiByteToWideChar(encode, 0, str, srclen, temp, len);
    temp[len] = '\0';
    std::wstring wstr = temp;
    delete[] temp;
    return wstr;

// 有的字符串可能会编码失败。
std::string WCharToChar(const wchar_t* wstr, size_t encode) {
    if (!wstr)
        return "";
    int srclen = wcslen(wstr);
    int len = WideCharToMultiByte(encode, 0, wstr, srclen, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
    if (len <= 0) {
        return "";
    char* temp = new char[len + 1];
    WideCharToMultiByte(encode, 0, wstr, srclen, temp, len, NULL, NULL);
    temp[len] = '\0';
    std::string str = temp;
    delete[] temp;
    return str;

std::string UTF8_ENCODE(const wchar_t* wstr) {
    if (!wstr)
        return "";
    return WCharToChar(wstr, CP_UTF8);
std::wstring UTF8_DECODE(const char* str) {
    if (!str)
        return L"";
    return CharToWChar(str, CP_UTF8);



wchar_t bkHexWChar(const wchar_t* buffer, int cntlen = 4) {
    wchar_t* num = new wchar_t[cntlen + 1];
    memcpy(num, buffer, cntlen * sizeof(wchar_t));
    num[cntlen] = 0;
    wchar_t ch = wcstol(num, NULL, 16);
    delete[] num;
    return ch;

int bkHexChar(const char* buffer, int cntlen = 2) {
    char* num = new char[cntlen + 1];
    memcpy(num, buffer, cntlen * sizeof(char));
    num[cntlen] = 0;
    int ch = strtol(num, NULL, 16);
    delete[] num;
    return ch;

CString toHexString(CString str) {
    std::string strk = WCharToChar(str.GetString());
    const int length = strk.length();
    const char* buffer = strk.c_str();
    assert(length >= 0 && length <= 0xffff);
    CString retv;
    retv.AppendFormat(L"%04x", length);
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        // 宽字符型 wchar_t (unsigned short.)
        // wchar_t ch = buffer[i];
        // assert(ch >= 0 && ch <= 0xffff);
        unsigned char ch = buffer[i];
        assert(ch >= 0 && ch <= 0xff);
        retv.AppendFormat(L"%02x", ch);
    return retv;

CString bkHexString(CString str) {
    std::string strk = WCharToChar(str.GetString());
    int srclen = strk.length();
    assert((srclen - 4) % 2 == 0 && srclen >= 4);
    if ((srclen - 4) % 2 != 0 || srclen < 4) {
        return L"";
    const char* buffer = strk.c_str();
    const int length = bkHexChar(&buffer[0], 4);
    assert(length == (srclen - 4) / 2);
    if (length != (srclen - 4) / 2) {
        return L"";
    CStringA retv;
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        char ch = bkHexChar(&buffer[4 + i * 2]);
    std::wstring temp = CharToWChar(retv.GetString());
    CString wstr = temp.c_str();
    return wstr;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    CString test = L"中文 123";

    test = toHexString(test);
    test = bkHexString(test);

    test = bkHexString(L"0004ffffff01");
    test = toHexString(test);
    return 0;


#include <assert.h>

#define ALG_TYPE 0x07

class b62 {
    static int ParseBase62(wchar_t ch) {
        if (ch >= L'0' && ch <= L'9') {
            return ch - L'0';
        if (ch >= L'a' && ch <= L'z') {
            return ch - L'a' + 10;
        if (ch >= L'A' && ch <= L'Z') {
            return ch - L'A' + 10 + 26;
        return -1;

    static int appendHex(CString& retv, unsigned long value) {
        int len = 0;
        for (unsigned long temp = value; len == 0 || temp; temp /= 62) {

        static wchar_t SZ_BASE62_TAB[] =
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            int node = value % 62;
            value /= 62;
        return len;

    static unsigned long eatupHex(const wchar_t* ptr, unsigned int& index) {
        int len = ParseBase62(ptr[index++]);
        unsigned long value = 0;
        unsigned long mulval = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            int node = ParseBase62(ptr[index++]);
            value += node * mulval;
            mulval *= 62;
        return value;

    static CString toHexString(CString str) {
        const int length = str.GetLength();
        const wchar_t* buffer = str.GetString();

        CString retv;
        appendHex(retv, ALG_TYPE);
        appendHex(retv, length);
        wchar_t check = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            wchar_t ch = buffer[i]; // <= 0xffff
            appendHex(retv, ch ^ ALG_TYPE);
            check ^= ch;
        appendHex(retv, check);
        return retv;

    static CString bkHexString(CString str) {
        unsigned int index = 0;

        const wchar_t* buffer = str.GetString();
        const int algType = eatupHex(buffer, index);
        if (algType != ALG_TYPE) {
            return L"??<unknow type>";

        CString retv;
        wchar_t check = 0;
        const int length = eatupHex(buffer, index);
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            wchar_t ch = eatupHex(buffer, index) ^ ALG_TYPE;
            check ^= ch;

        wchar_t checkz = eatupHex(buffer, index);
        assert(checkz == check);
        if (checkz != check) {
            return L"??<check error>";
        return retv;

}; // namespace b62


Base64 编码是使用 64 个可打印 ASCII 字符(A-Z、a-z、0-9、+、/)将任意字节序列数据编码成 ASCII 字符串,另有“=”符号用作后缀用途。 因为 Base64 算法是将 3 个字节原数据编码为 4 个字节新数据,所以 Base64 编码后的数据比原始数据略长,为原来的 4/3。


  1. 用于 URL 的改进 Base64 编码,它在末尾填充 '=' 号,并将标准 Base64 中的“+”和“/”分别改成了“-”和“_”。
  2. 用于正则表达式的改进 Base64 变种,它将“+”和“/”改成了“!”和“-”。
  • 设计一种编码,编码出来只有 62 个字符,并且尽可能短,每个字符独立编码,支持按字符检索。
  • 62 编码,采取 59(质数)进制,XYZ 作为扩展标记。最短能从 16 进制得长度缩短到原来的 3/4 长度。
  • 16 进制一次编码 4 bit,59 进制一次大概编码 6 bit。
  • <= 58: 直接解析
  • >= 59: XYZ 打头扩展编码。

单独一篇文章,验证这个问题: 实现 62 个字符的 Base64 编码

 * 设计一种编码,编码出来只有 62 个字符,并且尽可能短,
 * 每个字符独立编码,支持按字符检索。
 * 62 编码,采取 59(质数)进制,XYZ 作为扩展标记。
 * 最短能从 16 进制得长度缩短到原来的 3/4 长度。
 * 16 进制一次编码 4 bit,59 进制一次大概编码 6 bit。
 * <= 58: 直接解析
 * >= 59: XYZ 打头扩展编码。
0 0 0
3a 58 W
3b 59 X0
75 117 XW
76 118 Y00
e0e 3598 YWW
e0f 3599 Z000
33051 208977 ZWWW
33052 208978 Z00X0
65294 414356 ZWWXW
65295 414357 Z00Y00
ffffe 1048574 ZqbY53
fffff 1048575 ZrbY53
0 0 P12000


#pragma once

#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cctype>
#include <algorithm>

class StringHelper
    static std::wstring toLower(std::wstring source)
        std::transform(source.begin(), source.end(), source.begin(), [](unsigned char c) {
            return std::tolower(c); });
        return source;

    static std::wstring toUpper(std::wstring source)
        std::transform(source.begin(), source.end(), source.begin(), [](unsigned char c) {
            return std::toupper(c); });
        return source;

    static std::wstring trimStart(std::wstring source, const std::wstring &trimChars = L" \t\n\r\v\f")
        return source.erase(0, source.find_first_not_of(trimChars));

    static std::wstring trimEnd(std::wstring source, const std::wstring &trimChars = L" \t\n\r\v\f")
        return source.erase(source.find_last_not_of(trimChars) + 1);

    static std::wstring trim(std::wstring source, const std::wstring &trimChars = L" \t\n\r\v\f")
        return trimStart(trimEnd(source, trimChars), trimChars);

    static std::wstring replace(std::wstring source, const std::wstring &find, const std::wstring &replace)
        std::size_t pos = 0;
        while ((pos = source.find(find, pos)) != std::wstring::npos) {
            source.replace(pos, find.length(), replace);
            pos += replace.length();
        return source;

    static bool startsWith(const std::wstring &source, const std::wstring &value)
        if (source.length() < value.length())
            return false;
            return source.compare(0, value.length(), value) == 0;

    static bool endsWith(const std::wstring &source, const std::wstring &value)
        if (source.length() < value.length())
            return false;
            return source.compare(source.length() - value.length(), value.length(), value) == 0;

    static std::vector<std::wstring> split(const std::wstring &source, wchar_t delimiter)
        std::vector<std::wstring> output;
        std::wistringstream ss(source);
        std::wstring nextItem;

        while (std::getline(ss, nextItem, delimiter)) {

        return output;

    template<typename T>
    static std::wstring toString(const T& subject)
        std::wostringstream ss;
        ss << subject;
        return ss.str();

    template<typename T>
    static std::string toStringA(const T& subject)
        std::ostringstream ss;
        ss << subject;
        return ss.str();

    template<typename T>
    static T fromString(const std::wstring &subject)
        std::wistringstream ss(subject);
        T target;
        ss >> target;
        return target;

    template<typename T>
    static T fromStringA(const std::string &subject)
        std::istringstream ss(subject);
        T target;
        ss >> target;
        return target;

    static bool isEmptyOrWhiteSpace(const std::wstring &source)
        if (source.length() == 0)
            return true;
        else {
            for (std::size_t index = 0; index < source.length(); index++) {
                if (!std::isspace(source[index]))
                    return false;

            return true;
class StringHelper
    template<typename T>
    static std::wstring formatSimple(const std::wstring &input, T arg)
        std::wostringstream ss;
        std::size_t lastCloseBrace = std::wstring::npos;
        std::size_t openBrace = std::wstring::npos;
        while ((openBrace = input.find(L'{', openBrace + 1)) != std::wstring::npos) {
            if (openBrace + 1 < input.length()) {
                if (input[openBrace + 1] == L'{') {

                std::size_t closeBrace = input.find(L'}', openBrace + 1);
                if (closeBrace != std::wstring::npos) {
                    ss << input.substr(lastCloseBrace + 1, openBrace - lastCloseBrace - 1);
                    lastCloseBrace = closeBrace;

                    std::wstring index = trim(input.substr(openBrace + 1, closeBrace - openBrace - 1));
                    if (index == L"0")
                        ss << arg;
                        throw std::runtime_error(
                            "Only simple positional format specifiers are handled by the 'formatSimple' helper method.");

        if (lastCloseBrace + 1 < input.length())
            ss << input.substr(lastCloseBrace + 1);

        return ss.str();

    template<typename T>
    static std::wstring formatSimple(const std::wstring &input, const std::vector<T> &args)
        std::wostringstream ss;
        std::size_t lastCloseBrace = std::wstring::npos;
        std::size_t openBrace = std::wstring::npos;
        while ((openBrace = input.find(L'{', openBrace + 1)) != std::wstring::npos) {
            if (openBrace + 1 < input.length()) {
                if (input[openBrace + 1] == L'{') {

                std::size_t closeBrace = input.find(L'}', openBrace + 1);
                if (closeBrace != std::wstring::npos) {
                    ss << input.substr(lastCloseBrace + 1, openBrace - lastCloseBrace - 1);
                    lastCloseBrace = closeBrace;
                    std::wstring index = trim(input.substr(openBrace + 1, closeBrace - openBrace - 1));
                    ss << args[std::stoi(index)];

        if (lastCloseBrace + 1 < input.length())
            ss << input.substr(lastCloseBrace + 1);

        return ss.str();

    template<typename T1, typename T2>
    static std::wstring formatSimple(const std::wstring &input, T1 arg1, T2 arg2)
        std::wostringstream ss;
        std::size_t lastCloseBrace = std::wstring::npos;
        std::size_t openBrace = std::wstring::npos;
        while ((openBrace = input.find(L'{', openBrace + 1)) != std::wstring::npos) {
            if (openBrace + 1 < input.length()) {
                if (input[openBrace + 1] == L'{') {

                std::size_t closeBrace = input.find(L'}', openBrace + 1);
                if (closeBrace != std::wstring::npos) {
                    ss << input.substr(lastCloseBrace + 1, openBrace - lastCloseBrace - 1);
                    lastCloseBrace = closeBrace;

                    std::wstring index = trim(input.substr(openBrace + 1, closeBrace - openBrace - 1));
                    if (index == L"0")
                        ss << arg1;
                    else if (index == L"1")
                        ss << arg2;
                        throw std::runtime_error(
                            "Only simple positional format specifiers are handled by the 'formatSimple' helper method.");

        if (lastCloseBrace + 1 < input.length())
            ss << input.substr(lastCloseBrace + 1);

        return ss.str();

    template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
    static std::wstring formatSimple(const std::wstring &input, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3)
        std::wostringstream ss;
        std::size_t lastCloseBrace = std::wstring::npos;
        std::size_t openBrace = std::wstring::npos;
        while ((openBrace = input.find(L'{', openBrace + 1)) != std::wstring::npos) {
            if (openBrace + 1 < input.length()) {
                if (input[openBrace + 1] == L'{') {

                std::size_t closeBrace = input.find(L'}', openBrace + 1);
                if (closeBrace != std::wstring::npos) {
                    ss << input.substr(lastCloseBrace + 1, openBrace - lastCloseBrace - 1);
                    lastCloseBrace = closeBrace;

                    std::wstring index = trim(input.substr(openBrace + 1, closeBrace - openBrace - 1));
                    if (index == L"0")
                        ss << arg1;
                    else if (index == L"1")
                        ss << arg2;
                    else if (index == L"2")
                        ss << arg3;
                        throw std::runtime_error(
                            "Only simple positional format specifiers are handled by the 'formatSimple' helper method.");

        if (lastCloseBrace + 1 < input.length())
            ss << input.substr(lastCloseBrace + 1);

        return ss.str();



#include <string>
#include <vector>

namespace pystring
    #define MAX_32BIT_INT 2147483647

    bool startswith( const std::string & str, const std::string & prefix, int start = 0, int end = MAX_32BIT_INT );
    bool endswith( const std::string & str, const std::string & suffix, int start = 0, int end = MAX_32BIT_INT );

    std::string strip( const std::string & str, const std::string & chars = "" );
    std::string lstrip( const std::string & str, const std::string & chars = "" );
    std::string rstrip( const std::string & str, const std::string & chars = "" );

    std::string upper( const std::string & str );
    std::string lower( const std::string & str );

    std::string mul( const std::string & str, int n);
    std::string join( const std::string & str, const std::vector< std::string > & seq );
    void split( const std::string & str, std::vector< std::string > & result,
                const std::string & sep = "", int maxsplit = -1);
    void splitlines(  const std::string & str, std::vector< std::string > & result, bool keepends = false );

    std::string replace( const std::string & str, const std::string & oldstr,
                         const std::string & newstr, int count = -1);

    bool isalnum( const std::string & str );
    bool isalpha( const std::string & str );
    bool isdigit( const std::string & str );
    bool isspace( const std::string & str );
    bool islower( const std::string & str );
    bool isupper( const std::string & str );

namespace os
namespace path
    std::string basename(const std::string & path);
    std::string dirname(const std::string & path);
    std::string abspath(const std::string & path, const std::string & cwd);
    std::string join(const std::string & path1, const std::string & path2);
    std::string join(const std::vector< std::string > & paths);
    std::string normpath(const std::string & path);
    void split(std::string & head, std::string & tail, const std::string & path);
} // namespace path
} // namespace os

} // namespace pystring

#include "pystring.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

namespace pystring

#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(_MSC_VER)
#ifndef WINDOWS
#define WINDOWS

typedef int Py_ssize_t;
const std::string forward_slash = "/";
const std::string double_forward_slash = "//";
const std::string triple_forward_slash = "///";
const std::string double_back_slash = "\\";
const std::string empty_string = "";
const std::string dot = ".";
const std::string double_dot = "..";
const std::string colon = ":";

#define ADJUST_INDICES(start, end, len)     \
    if (end > len)                          \
        end = len;                          \
    else if (end < 0) {                     \
        end += len;                         \
        if (end < 0)                        \
        end = 0;                            \
    }                                       \
    if (start < 0) {                        \
        start += len;                       \
        if (start < 0)                      \
        start = 0;                          \

    namespace {

        void split_whitespace( const std::string & str,
                               std::vector< std::string > & result, int maxsplit )
            std::string::size_type i, j, len = str.size();
            for (i = j = 0; i < len; ) {
                while ( i < len && ::isspace( str[i] ) ) i++;
                j = i;

                while ( i < len && ! ::isspace( str[i]) ) i++;

                if (j < i) {
                    if ( maxsplit-- <= 0 ) break;

                    result.push_back( str.substr( j, i - j ));

                    while ( i < len && ::isspace( str[i])) i++;
                    j = i;
            if (j < len) {
                result.push_back( str.substr( j, len - j ));

    } // anonymous namespace

    void split( const std::string & str, std::vector< std::string > & result,
                const std::string & sep, int maxsplit )

        if ( maxsplit < 0 ) maxsplit = MAX_32BIT_INT;//result.max_size();

        if ( sep.size() == 0 ) {
            split_whitespace( str, result, maxsplit );

        std::string::size_type i,j, len = str.size(), n = sep.size();

        i = j = 0;

        while ( i+n <= len ) {
            if ( str[i] == sep[0] && str.substr( i, n ) == sep ) {
                if ( maxsplit-- <= 0 ) break;

                result.push_back( str.substr( j, i - j ) );
                i = j = i + n;
            } else {

        result.push_back( str.substr( j, len-j ) );

    #define LEFTSTRIP 0
    #define RIGHTSTRIP 1
    #define BOTHSTRIP 2

    std::string do_strip( const std::string & str, int striptype, const std::string & chars  )
        Py_ssize_t len = (Py_ssize_t) str.size(), i, j, charslen = (Py_ssize_t) chars.size();

        if ( charslen == 0 ) {
            i = 0;
            if ( striptype != RIGHTSTRIP ) {
                while ( i < len && ::isspace( str[i] ) ) {

            j = len;
            if ( striptype != LEFTSTRIP ) {
                do {
                } while (j >= i && ::isspace(str[j]));


        } else {
            const char * sep = chars.c_str();

            i = 0;
            if ( striptype != RIGHTSTRIP ) {
                while ( i < len && memchr(sep, str[i], charslen) ) {

            j = len;
            if (striptype != LEFTSTRIP) {
                do {
                } while (j >= i &&  memchr(sep, str[j], charslen)  );

        if ( i == 0 && j == len ) {
            return str;
        } else {
            return str.substr( i, j - i );

    std::string strip( const std::string & str, const std::string & chars )
        return do_strip( str, BOTHSTRIP, chars );

    std::string lstrip( const std::string & str, const std::string & chars )
        return do_strip( str, LEFTSTRIP, chars );

    std::string rstrip( const std::string & str, const std::string & chars )
        return do_strip( str, RIGHTSTRIP, chars );

    std::string join( const std::string & str, const std::vector< std::string > & seq )
        std::vector< std::string >::size_type seqlen = seq.size(), i;

        if ( seqlen == 0 ) return empty_string;
        if ( seqlen == 1 ) return seq[0];

        std::string result( seq[0] );

        for ( i = 1; i < seqlen; ++i ) {
            result += str + seq[i];
        return result;

        /* Matches the end (direction >= 0) or start (direction < 0) of self
         * against substr, using the start and end arguments. Returns
         * -1 on error, 0 if not found and 1 if found.

        int _string_tailmatch(const std::string & self, const std::string & substr,
                              Py_ssize_t start, Py_ssize_t end,
                              int direction)
            Py_ssize_t len = (Py_ssize_t) self.size();
            Py_ssize_t slen = (Py_ssize_t) substr.size();

            const char* sub = substr.c_str();
            const char* str = self.c_str();

            ADJUST_INDICES(start, end, len);

            if (direction < 0) {
                // startswith
                if (start+slen > len)
                    return 0;
            } else {
                // endswith
                if (end-start < slen || start > len)
                    return 0;
                if (end-slen > start)
                    start = end - slen;
            if (end-start >= slen)
                return (!std::memcmp(str+start, sub, slen));

            return 0;

    bool endswith( const std::string & str, const std::string & suffix, int start, int end )
        int result = _string_tailmatch(str, suffix,
                                       (Py_ssize_t) start, (Py_ssize_t) end, +1);
        //if (result == -1) // TODO: Error condition
        return static_cast<bool>(result);

    bool startswith( const std::string & str, const std::string & prefix, int start, int end )
        int result = _string_tailmatch(str, prefix,
                                       (Py_ssize_t) start, (Py_ssize_t) end, -1);
        //if (result == -1) // TODO: Error condition
        return static_cast<bool>(result);

    bool isalnum( const std::string & str )
        std::string::size_type len = str.size(), i;
        if ( len == 0 ) return false;

        if ( len == 1 ) {
            return ::isalnum( str[0] );

        for ( i = 0; i < len; ++i ) {
            if ( !::isalnum( str[i] ) ) return false;
        return true;

    bool isalpha( const std::string & str )
        std::string::size_type len = str.size(), i;
        if ( len == 0 ) return false;
        if ( len == 1 ) return ::isalpha( (int) str[0] );

        for ( i = 0; i < len; ++i ) {
           if ( !::isalpha( (int) str[i] ) ) return false;
        return true;

    bool isdigit( const std::string & str )
        std::string::size_type len = str.size(), i;
        if ( len == 0 ) return false;
        if ( len == 1 ) return ::isdigit( str[0] );

        for ( i = 0; i < len; ++i ) {
           if ( ! ::isdigit( str[i] ) ) return false;
        return true;

    bool islower( const std::string & str )
        std::string::size_type len = str.size(), i;
        if ( len == 0 ) return false;
        if ( len == 1 ) return ::islower( str[0] );

        for ( i = 0; i < len; ++i ) {
           if ( !::islower( str[i] ) ) return false;
        return true;

    bool isspace( const std::string & str )
        std::string::size_type len = str.size(), i;
        if ( len == 0 ) return false;
        if ( len == 1 ) return ::isspace( str[0] );

        for ( i = 0; i < len; ++i ) {
           if ( !::isspace( str[i] ) ) return false;
        return true;

    bool isupper( const std::string & str )
        std::string::size_type len = str.size(), i;
        if ( len == 0 ) return false;
        if ( len == 1 ) return ::isupper( str[0] );

        for ( i = 0; i < len; ++i ) {
           if ( !::isupper( str[i] ) ) return false;
        return true;

    std::string lower( const std::string & str )
        std::string s( str );
        std::string::size_type len = s.size(), i;

        for ( i = 0; i < len; ++i ) {
            if ( ::isupper( s[i] ) ) s[i] = (char) ::tolower( s[i] );

        return s;

    std::string upper( const std::string & str )
        std::string s( str ) ;
        std::string::size_type len = s.size(), i;

        for ( i = 0; i < len; ++i ) {
            if ( ::islower( s[i] ) ) s[i] = (char) ::toupper( s[i] );

        return s;

    std::string replace( const std::string & str, const std::string & oldstr,
                         const std::string & newstr, int count )
        int sofar = 0;
        int cursor = 0;
        std::string s( str );

        std::string::size_type oldlen = oldstr.size(), newlen = newstr.size();

        cursor = find( s, oldstr, cursor );

        while ( cursor != -1 && cursor <= (int)s.size() ) {
            if ( count > -1 && sofar >= count ) {

            s.replace( cursor, oldlen, newstr );
            cursor += (int) newlen;

            if ( oldlen != 0) {
                cursor = find( s, oldstr, cursor );
            } else {


        return s;

    void splitlines(  const std::string & str, std::vector< std::string > & result, bool keepends )
        std::string::size_type len = str.size(), i, j, eol;

        for (i = j = 0; i < len; ) {
            while (i < len && str[i] != '\n' && str[i] != '\r') i++;

            eol = i;
            if (i < len) {
                if (str[i] == '\r' && i + 1 < len && str[i+1] == '\n') {
                    i += 2;
                } else {
                if (keepends)
                eol = i;

            result.push_back( str.substr( j, eol - j ) );
            j = i;

        if (j < len) {
            result.push_back( str.substr( j, len - j ) );

    std::string mul( const std::string & str, int n )
        // Early exits
        if (n <= 0) return empty_string;
        if (n == 1) return str;

        std::ostringstream os;
        for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
            os << str;
        return os.str();
} // namespace pystring

动态加载 dll

//#include "pch.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <string>

#ifndef __FAST_IMAGE_LIB__
#define __FAST_IMAGE_LIB__

#define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define DLLEXPORT //__declspec(dllimport)

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

namespace fastimage {


__interface IFastImageInterface {
    virtual int getFastImageVersion() = 0;
    virtual int getMagicAdvancedBitmap(FastImage fimage, FastImage & result, bool clearBackgroud = true) = 0;
    virtual void release() = 0;
    virtual int getMagicAdvancedBitmap2(FastImage fimage, FastImage & result, bool clearBackgroud = true) = 0;

DLLEXPORT IFastImageInterface* CreateFastImageObject();

typedef IFastImageInterface* (*CreateFastImageObjectFunc)();

} // namespace fastimage

class fastimagedll : public fastimage::IFastImageInterface {
    static std::wstring getCurrentPath() {
        wchar_t fpath[MAX_PATH];
        DWORD dwRet = GetModuleFileName(NULL, fpath, MAX_PATH);
        std::wstring fdir = fpath;
        int index = fdir.rfind('\\');
        return fdir.substr(0, index + 1);

    static HINSTANCE getLibrary(const TCHAR* libPath) {
        std::wstring curdir = getCurrentPath();
        std::wstring current = curdir;

        WCHAR lpBuffer[MAX_PATH];
        GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, lpBuffer);
        HINSTANCE hDLL = LoadLibrary(current.c_str());

        if (hDLL == nullptr) {
            int err = GetLastError();
            return nullptr;
        return hDLL;

    virtual int getFastImageVersion() {
        if (!m_interface) {
            return -1;
        return m_interface->getFastImageVersion();
    virtual int getMagicAdvancedBitmap(fastimage::FastImage fimage, fastimage::FastImage& result,
                                       bool clearBackgroud = true) {
        if (!m_interface) {
            return -1;
        return m_interface->getMagicAdvancedBitmap(fimage, result, clearBackgroud);
    virtual int getMagicAdvancedBitmap2(fastimage::FastImage fimage, fastimage::FastImage& result,
                                        bool clearBackgroud = true) {
        if (!m_interface) {
            return -1;
        if (m_interface->getFastImageVersion() < FAST_IMAGE_VERSION_NOTESHRINK) {
            return -2;
        return m_interface->getMagicAdvancedBitmap2(fimage, result, clearBackgroud);

    virtual void release() override {
        delete this;

    fastimagedll() {
        const wchar_t* libPath = L"fastimage.dll";
        m_hDLL = getLibrary(libPath);
        if (m_hDLL == nullptr) {
            int err = GetLastError();

        fastimage::CreateFastImageObjectFunc fptr =
            (fastimage::CreateFastImageObjectFunc)GetProcAddress(m_hDLL, "CreateFastImageObject");
        if (fptr == nullptr) {
            int err = GetLastError();
        m_interface = fptr();
    virtual ~fastimagedll() {
        if (!m_interface) {
        m_interface = nullptr;
        // m_hDLL 不释放了。

    fastimage::IFastImageInterface* m_interface = nullptr;
    HINSTANCE m_hDLL = nullptr;
}; // class fastimagedll

#ifdef __cplusplus

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