开发环境 -- 搭建 Windows Jekyll 环境

Windows 搭建 Jekyll 环境。 bundle install 的时候, libv8therubyracer 会失败,主要是工程配置和源代码 Windows 平台的兼容性么有做好。

Installing libv8 with native extensions
../src/objects.h: At global scope:
../src/objects.h:5252:44: error: left operand of shift expression '(-1 << 3)' is negative [-fpermissive]
 5252 |   static const int kElementsKindMask = (-1 << kElementsKindShift) &
      |                                        ~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../src/objects.h:7386:36: error: left operand of shift expression '(-8 << 26)' is negative [-fpermissive]
 7386 |       (~kMaxCachedArrayIndexLength << kArrayIndexHashLengthShift) |
      |       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
make[1]: *** [tools/gyp/v8_base.target.x64.mk:197:/c/Ruby25-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/libv8-] 错误 1
make[1]: 离开目录“/c/Ruby25-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/libv8-”
make: *** [Makefile:195:x64.release] 错误 2

在基于源码的编译构建过程中,代码是临时释放的,mk 配置也是临时释放的,对于编译不过的地方,即使修改了,也会被 bundle 覆盖回滚。后来把这些改动过的代码和配置都拷贝出来,用脚本不停的尝试写入替换对应的文件,最终编译链接成功。

安装 ruby & gem

https://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/ 下载,Ruby+Devkit 2.5.8-1 (x64) rubyinstaller-devkit-2.5.8-1-x64.exe。 因为 github-pages depends on ruby (>= 2.2, < 2.6) x64-mingw32,安装 MSYS2,选择 3 - MSYS2 and MINGW development toolchain ,安装完成要选择“运行”。

ruby -v
gem -v

安装 bundler

ridk install
gem install bundler # 安装 bundler
gem install bundler:1.16.1
chcp 850 # 多语种 (MS-DOS Latin1)
gem install jekyll # 安装 jekyll
jekyll -v

工程 bundle install

libv8 构建不成功,therubyracer 也构建不成功。网上的办法都行不通。必须先装好 Python2 环境,如果是 Python3,要改环境变量 Path,还有 PYTHONPATH & PYTHONHOME(也可能没有),否则 Python 报错:No module named site

bundle install # Need python 2!!
# https://qiita.com/south37/items/9a3269c28d9fba80f0b7
# bundle config build.libv8 --with-system-v8
# bundle config build.therubyracer --with-v8-dir=/usr/local/opt/v8-315/
# 这个方法理论可行,没有成功。
# 灵感来自于 https://issues.adblockplus.org/ticket/4950
# gem install libv8 -v '' -- --with-system-v8
# gem install therubyracer -v '0.12.3' -- --with-system-v8


先构建一次,把所有影响构建的源代码和工程配置(mk 文件)都拷贝出来,改动点具体见 python 代码。platform-win32.cc 里面的 localtime_s 和 include/time.h 里面的冲突,改个新名字,等等。 然后写个脚本(libv8.gem.py),不停的尝试写入替换这些文件;同时开启构建,一旦构建系统创建 / 释放 / 修改了这几个文件,马上替换掉,最终就可以顺利完成构建了。

建议用 Everything 把编译不过的问题文件找出来。

import os, sys
import time

def readfile(fpath):
    with open(fpath, "rb") as fin:
        return fin.read()

def copyfile(fpath, tpath):
    fdata = readfile(fpath)
    ftarget = readfile(tpath)
    if fdata == ftarget:
        return False
    fout = open(tpath, "wb")
    return True

def fmain(fpath, tpath):

    if os.path.isdir(fpath):
        for _dir in os.listdir(fpath):
            _fpath = os.path.join(fpath, _dir)
            _tpath = os.path.join(tpath, _dir)
            fmain(_fpath, _tpath)

        # time.sleep(0.001)
        if not os.path.exists(tpath):
        if copyfile(fpath, tpath):
    except Exception, ex:
        print(ex, fpath)

# libv8 编译不过的问题文件
def fmain_libv8():
    # CFLAGS_Release := -fpermissive
    # CFLAGS_Debug := -fpermissive
    fpath = r"D:\kSource\blog\source\gyp"
    tpath = r"C:\Ruby25-x64\lib\ruby\gems\2.5.0\gems\libv8-\vendor\v8\out\tools\gyp"
    fmain(fpath, tpath)
    fpath = r"D:\kSource\blog\source\src"
    tpath = r"C:\Ruby25-x64\lib\ruby\gems\2.5.0\gems\libv8-\vendor\v8\out\src"
    fmain(fpath, tpath)

    # localtime_s -> localtime_sx
    # #pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib")
    fpath = r"D:\kSource\blog\source\libv8-therubyracer\platform-win32.cc"
    tpath = r"C:\Ruby25-x64\lib\ruby\gems\2.5.0\gems\libv8-\vendor\v8\src\platform-win32.cc"
    fmain(fpath, tpath)

# therubyracer 编译不过的问题文件
def fmain_therubyracer():
    # remove command line option '-rdynamic'
    # LIBS => -lwinmm 新增。
    fpath = r"D:\kSource\blog\source\libv8-therubyracer\Makefile"
    tpath = r"C:\Ruby25-x64\lib\ruby\gems\2.5.0\gems\therubyracer-0.12.3\ext\v8\Makefile"
    fmain(fpath, tpath)

    # Accessor access(get, set, data); -> Accessor accessor(get, set, data);
    fpath = r"D:\kSource\blog\source\libv8-therubyracer\object.cc"
    tpath = r"C:\Ruby25-x64\lib\ruby\gems\2.5.0\gems\therubyracer-0.12.3\ext\v8\object.cc"
    fmain(fpath, tpath)

while __name__ == "__main__":

先把 libv8 编译过,再把 therubyracer 编译过


If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out .